Spring Day - Pt.1

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Series: chapter 1
Word count: 1211
AU: Greek Mythology (-ish)
Author: @8moon2stars on AO3
Additional information: goddess!Wendy, mortal!Irene


In a universe where gods and humans graze against each other but never really touch, the threads of fate pull Wendy and Irene into an inevitable crash.


[On the corner of first and Amistad...]

I bumped into you at the corner of the street. My thoughts were a flurry that day, but mostly I blame it on the Fates. They weren't in control of mine, but they were in control of yours.

You looked up in surprise, a squeak escaping from your lips as I reflexively steadied you with my arms, making sure your books didn't fall to the ground.

And I was lost.

It's the beauty underneath that counts. Trust me, I would know. But you. Oh, you.

I've never felt more human than when I had met you that day.

A mess of shallowness. A bumbling mess of shallowness.

The Fates were cackling, I knew.

But all I could do was say "I'm sorry."

[This must be what crazy feels like...]

Gray hoodie, check. Smart-looking glasses, check. A look of struggling determination mixed with sleep-depravation, check.

I brought a cup of coffee and some books with me as I followed you into the campus library. I took my seat across from you on a different table and began to pretend that you weren't the sole reason why I was there.

You noticed me ten minutes in, when I was on the fifteenth page of Greek Then and Now.

Did you feel the pull too?

You must have, because you glanced at me twenty times in a span of two hours. And my heart stopped every single time.

The next day, I took courage and sat across from you on the same table you were in.

Twenty-five minutes in, you shyly asked me what I was reading. I told you it's a book written in Greek, and you assumed I was a linguistics major, asking me what other languages I knew.

I told you I was fluent in five, when I wanted to say I was fluent in all of them, dead and alive.

We talked and talked, books long forgotten, until the librarian stood beside you and grunted, giving a not-so-subtle glance at her watch.

I wanted to walk you back to your dorm, but I thought it was too soon. Instead, I waved goodbye as you walked away from me at the library's front steps.

After that, I wanted to get to know you more, wanted to know how you could make me feel something I shouldn't. Something I have never felt since the universe aligned and allowed for life.

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