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There are some things that we always look for and some that we fall for. For me, it was his eyes. The way he smiled at everyone and never let down a moment of joy but among all this did anyone knew the pain he was hiding behind those hidden teary eyes which were tired from all the weight he has been carrying all these years . The weight of making his parents proud, the weight of not letting others look down on him and the weight of looking better. And to lighten this burned, he starved himself , worked to the point his vision became unclear and his body became frail. His body has experienced so many falls, so many faints due to starvation yet he worked hard, he became more and more greedy to look better and to make others feel better. He became a supporting hand to all those people around him in pain but never had they taken a chance to offer the same.

He is still portraying his usual self and weirdly my eyes are attracted to his. Over the years he had become slim, his cheeks have become defined and so has his personality.

My eyes are always haunting his back, my hands want to comfort his heart and my mind wants to hear his cries and his struggles and wanted to tell him it had done well all this time but my body weighs down on my feet, unable to move a bit further to reach out to him.
However, today unexpected element in this story of mine occurred. Back in the cafeteria he approached me ; it was nothing special - I was having my lunch, actually we were having our lunch and suddenly I see him standing near me.

"Hey , you're Y/N right?", he spoke with a little shyness in his voice.

Gathering all the courage I had I replied, "Yeah".

" I was wondering if we could hang out together. I-I mean we can have a coffee together later in the day (?) ."
I never imagined him to speak these words. My condition was not the one to be admirable, I was not skinny like other girls, I never approached any boy, I was not really that pretty that one could admire all day. So him confessing these words to me was not digestible. I knew something was fishy behind it. Just when I was about to speak, my eyes wandered behind him looking at the boys he always hung out with, giggling. And there it became all clear to me - it must be them pampering him to do this.

" Umm... O-Okay " .

I agreed to him not because I wanted to show off in front of him but because there was something I could see in his eyes pleading for a yes as a reply. And there his eyes lit up just like a baby given a candy he liked.

" Let's meet at Starbucks around 6 then?"

"Okay "

And with a nod he left. Somewhere in my heart I had a mixed feeling of happiness and sadness.  Happiness on the part that I actually get to meet him in person and sadness that it was not him initiating for the offer,  it was his friends.

5:45 pm

I came early , dressed up all right waiting for his arrival.

6:15 pm

Maybe he was struck in a traffic.

6:45 pm

He must have been busy with something.

7:00 pm

Maybe I heard the timings wrong. He must be coming.

7:30 pm

Nobody came. Nobody came for me. All along I had this feeling of him not arriving at the place but I knew he could never hurt somebody for he had a heart of gold, that's what I thought but I was wrong.

8:30 pm, and I went home disappointed , dissapointed in myself for making myself look like a fool. 

The next day, I became neutral. I've always had a good control on my emotions to not show in front of others and so I did the same.

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