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halo it's been a while. stalker readers have probably forgotten about that story because idk but read that story first before this one.

[ aila ]

i have no idea how my life ended like this. everything was at it's highest peak then it all suddenly fell down low.

i'm now on spring break and once class starts i'm finally a college student. i'm working to pay my university fees as a baby sitter of a chinese family, plus one of their son is a hottie named junhui, he couldn't speak korean well so we never talked, but not like i cared.

and about jihoon. i don't know where jihoon is, weird right.

the day after we last met was the day he disappeared again. no sms, letter or anything.

i waited for him for so long. i graduated highschool waiting for him. i've became independent, matured, better, and he wasn't still there.

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