13. Puzzle Pieces

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"You look like there's something is bothering you." Roan said when he saw Peros entering the library. They had just finished the evening meal and like always, Cassie wasn't there. Peros had felt Roans eyes on him during the meal, all the other guests of the house seemed determined to mind their own business, paying no more attention to him than polite behavior required. Those who cared about being well mannered were the ones who preyed on humans,  it was to seduce them and lure them in. In the underworld, no one cared about being polite.

"I'm fine." Peros said, he was still shaken by his own display of emotion towards Cassie. "Just a little tired." He lied.

"Peros, I trust you and I hope you trust me." Roan began. Peros gave him a wary look. "Now, I think you're ready to know the real reason staying here is so appealing for us Vampires and Incubi."

"Are you an Incubi or a Vampire?" Peros asked, realizing the question hadn't occurred to him before. Roan stood behind the desk, almost as tall as Peros but more broad.

"Vampire." Roan said as he adjusted his waistcoat. "Peros, come along."

Roan led Peros through the house to an office, and through a hidden door. At the bottom of a set of stairs they came to another door. "Don't mention your name, or your friend or why you are here. No one will ask but be sure to keep it a secret in case they do." Roan whispered.

Peros would have felt in danger, but he had grown to trust Roan. The door swung open after Roan knocked. It was dark, and the air was dense with smoke.

"Good evening." A husky voice greeted them. The smoke distorted all details, Peros stayed close to Roan afraid he would get lost.

"Good evening." Roan said through the smoke, his voice still slightly pompous and recognizable. "Follow me." He added under his breath.

Peros followed Roan through the smoky room and to another door. The next room was broader, while the first one had been narrow. There was a table with a small unlit oil lamp in the center. "You're late! Who have you brought?" A voice called from the fog. They seemed friendly, the smoke moved as someone patted Roan on the back.

"A new acquaintance" Roan said, his obscured form turned to Peros.

"My name Stewart." He lied.

"Welcome!" The first voice said, Peros could hear the smile on his face. "Well! Light up the lantern!"

Peros found a seat in the haze. A long arm carrying a lit stick cut through the fog and lit the lamp. It blazed with purple fire and he could hear the others around the table shifting in their chairs comfortably.

"This is why." Roan whispered in Peros' ear. Peros couldn't tear his eyes away from the fire, it danced and glittered between the deepest purple and the palest lavender. He began to warm in stages, his heart beat quickened in excitement. all the others around the table were silent, slowly soaking in the warmth as he was.

"When's the next trip up?" a voice slurred through the smoke.

"A few of us are going up tomorrow, Fion cleared it for once." The voices were all unrecognizable, had any of these people been at the evening meal?

"Fion is the one in charge of everything?" Peros blurted out. The warmth was having a strange effect, his muscles were relaxing and his head was swimming.

"Nah, she's got someone to answer to."

"Be careful. They won't have the information you need and you might be killed for asking." Roan warned into Peros' ear. Peros leaned back in his chair. He was dizzy and the lantern seemed to swing back and forth with the whole room moving with it.

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