Chapter 2

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Serena's POV

* 1 Year Later *

My pixie hair cut has grown out so now I have short hair. I have a new style of clothing still using the blue ribbon that Ash gave me. It gave me hope that everything was gonna be okay.

   I look at my Instagram to see my thousand of followers. I got them from doing a variety fo things inspiring not to let anyone down, singing, and personal advice. Some people even count me as a celebrity. Fine, all people do but I don't really care. Yet for my Instagram I go under a different name...

I was finally back home and school starts tomorrow. I've decided for the first week of school, I was going to be under a different name to see how people would treat me. After making sure I have everything ready I go to sleep.

*beep beep beep*



I turn off my alarm and set it for 15 minutes later because I am too lazy to get up now.

* beep beep beep*

That ringtone . Its like it is mocking me since I know I have to get up now or I'll be late.

I get up and put my regular outfit on and do the usual in the morning. Brush my teeth, eat breakfast, then walk to school since it is only a thirty minute walk from my house.

When I get to school I see everyone pointing and whispering at me. I just hoped it wasn't because they had recognized me. I mean they proabably recognized me from my Instagram but hopefully not fromlLast year...

All the boys where staring and some girls were even mad. I just ignored them and walked on.

I guess I had learned how to take care of myself and some style tips when I was with my aunt. She is a famous fashionista but barely anyone knows.

When I get to the cafeteria for breakfast I see Dawn sitting alone. And I remember that day. Dawn did look guilty and didn't say anything but still. She didn't do anything right nor wrong.

I went up to her and decided to make friends with her since she seemed lonely. I decided to introduce myself.

" Hi my name is Se-I mean Victoria, what's yours ?'

" Hi my name is Dawn are you new here ?, I haven't seen you here before but you do look a bit familiar?"

I flinched a little but then decided I had to play the part and pretend to be new.

" Yeah I'm new but I believe I haven't seen you before, I am a kinda famous person on Instagram maybe that is why.."

" Not to be rude but why are you sitting alone?"

"Oh" she sighed, "I betrayed a friend named Serena and when I stood up for her, after she left my other fake friends basically they stopped talking to me and ignored me."

I was surprised that she had stood up for me and knew she was going to be my best friend.

" Well, I'm sorry to hear that but I think we are going to be great friends "

"Really, I hope so, usually all the prettier girls than me don't talk to me."

I blushed but only because no one has ever called me pretty and she called me prettier than her.

" Dawn your pretty too and don't let anyone tell you anything else"

She smiled and I was happy that I had made a REAL friend.

When the bell wrung I made my way to class. I still remembered my way around the school from last year.

I got to my homeroom with Mr. Sycamore. Again. Since it was the beginning of the school year I didn't have to introduce my self.

I was very thankful for that.

I made my way to the back of the room trying not to get noticed and draw attention to myself. It was also my old seat that I had last year.

Sadly I did the exact opposite of not drawing attention. When I sat down Ash walked in. He looked very different from last time. His smile was gone and his auburn eyes didn't show that sparkle in them anymore.We locked eyes but I looked away still ashamed of the memories from last year.

I pretended to be writing something down when I heard someone say Move in a very cold voice. I looked to see Ash looking up at me with no emotion what so ever. I then get up not wanting to start attention but then... I fall.

You can't blame me I am very clumsy. When I fall my blue ribbon unties because of the edge of a desk. Ash sees it and his expression changes. He still didn't have any emotions on his fae but it looked like he was thinking.

I quickly get up and scramble to the other side of the classroom and notice that Ash is still looking at me. In fact he hasn't stopped since then.

I then try to pay attention to what we are doing in class. It says we are going to start some sort of project based on your partners lives. You partners are assigned. I just hoped I didn't get Ash. Yet at the same time I hope I did get Ash. The teacher then announces the names.

Victoria nd Paul, Gary and Dawn, Misty and Miette, Barry and Ash..........
Oh well, I didn't get paired up with Ash but at least he won't be any closer to knowing its me. And really, all of my fake friends from last year were in my class.

That's when Barry speaks up " Umm Mr. Sycamore, can I change partners, I umm am going on vacation during the project, yeah that's it"

" OK, Ash you will be paired up with Paul"

" What about me" I say

" Victoria you will be able to join any group you would like to since Paul is with Ash"

I wanted to join Ash's group but didn't have the guts to so was about to join Dawns group.

But out of nowhere Ash told Mr. Sycamore I was joining his group right before the bell wrung and he walked out. Some people seemed surprised but I didn't exactly know why.

I went to lunch with Dawn next. When we started eating Miette and Misty invited me to sit with them. I was angry but pretended to be nice. I was about to say no when Dawn said it was OK to leave her just like everyone else did. I then told them no and said I'd rather have a real friend. They walked away shocked and a little angry but I didn't care.

When we started eating I asked her why everyone was so shocked during class and they said Ash hadn't talked to anyone except herself ever since Serena left.

I was shocked and happy. That means he actually might have liked me but then again why? I was not even pretty or popular.

I looked for Ash around the cafeteria and saw him sitting at a table alone with all the girls staring at him. I had to admit he was as handsome as ever. Even though that's not why I liked him it was a bonus I guess. Although for some girls his looks is the only reason they like him.

That's when I noticed he was looking right at me. We stared at each other for a while but then I blushed and looked away. Though I could still feel his stare on me while eating lunch.

   The rest of the day people would ask me for my autographs and I would accept as usual but everything else was fine..

I got home exhausted yet happy. School has actually been not as terrible as I thought it would be. Yet what's going to happen when I tell them who I really am?

I change into my PJs and look at my blue ribbon that's gave me hope over the year. And also wonder could I have been the one who has changed Ash so much ?

Betrayed, Yet I'm Great~ AmourshippingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora