Chapter 4

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It was Valentine's Day and Serena had spent all night writing him a letter. She decorated the whole thing beautifully. Although she also thought that he probably wouldn't even glance at hers because he still has lots of fan girls. But then again she had many more fan boys...

She quickly rushed to school with the letter in her hand. She wrote a love poem describing him but when she signed it all she put was the letter S.

When she got to school she saw the whole school decorated. Pink and Red were everywhere. There was a valentine booth to send candy grams and many other things. When she got to her locker which was right next to Ash's she slipped the letter in.

But when she opened her locker a humungous pile of things flew out and it just so happened Ash was about to open his locker.

" Victoria do you need help" he said while chuckling but he was really just holding in his jealousy and trying not to grit his teeth.

" Please it's a mess, thanks Ashy, I-I mean Ash" she said stuttering remembering that was what she used to call him last year. She just hoped he didn't notice. But he did and he already knew who she really was so he acted oblivious on purpose.

" No problem S-Victoria" he said flashing a smile that could make some girls melt into a puddle of happiness.

He helped her while slipping in his own letter for her that he also spent all night making. This would be the way that he would tell her that he knew she was Serena.

They put the letters away and headed to class. Although the classes were shortened since they threw a Valentine's party every year.

Classes went by quickly and it was time for the dance already. Many boys were looking at Serena but were too nervous and afraid to ask her to dance so she was all alone until one boy came up to her.

Ash. Wait, not Ash but a boy that looks like him a lot. Calem.

Although he was nervous he still wouldn't give up. Ash was just watching from afar seeing Calem talking to her. Well he now called him Camel.

" H-hi, my name is Calem, would you like to dance?" he asked politely and hopefully.

" Sure, I would love to" she said as she flashed a smile that mad all the boys envyious, including Ash. He grabbed her hand and she blushed at the sudden contact which was missed by everyboy. Except Ash.

They danced happily for a few minutes before Ash came up to her this time. Asking her to dance. She said goodbye to Calem and a slow song appeared. They both blushed as the spotlight was put on the two of them.

They danced with everyone's eyes on them. Mostly filled with rage and jealousy. The song ended and the dance was over. Everyone headed back to their lockers and took everything home.

Serena was at home sorting all the letter s and trash when one beautifully decorated letter caught her eyes.Inside was a poem.

        I love everything about you
       The way you smile, makes me smile
      Your giggling, is like a harmony to my ears
      Your blonde hair that shines in the sun
  Your personality has won me over
    I have always loved you Sere
     Your always in my heart
    I could never forget you
    You grabbed my attention from the start
         I love you
                 ~ Your Ashy
   Tears started to roll down her face. He knew it was really her and he still loved her.She was surprised but also very happy. They belonged together.


      Ash was cleaning out his back pack throwing all the letters away. Until Pikachu grabbed one and handed it to him. The card had beautiful decoration with Ash's name written on it.Inside was a letter.

      I love you with all my heart
      No one could ever take that love apart
  Your auburn eyes and black hair pulled me in
    I'm stuck in the love zone and you hold my heart
    I knew that I loved you from the very start
   Your kindness is beyond compare
   I love you Ash and think about you everywhere

      From the first line Ash had recognized the handwriting. Serena's. He squeezed his buddy Pikachu in joy knowing that she actually loved him back. She was beautiful,smart, and kind yet she loved him. No one else.

      They both spent the rest of the day daydreaming and deciding what they would say next Monday.They couldn't help but keep a smile on their face the whole day.

     They were soulmates. But their journey wasn't over yet...



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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