day 3- your parents

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Day 3- your parents.

I remember, when I was little, I would write you guys a letter whenever I upset you. And there were those times when I was younger where I doubted myself so much, felt like the odd one out, and I’d write those notes saying I was leaving.

Little nine year old lily, with her packed backpack, writing a letter under her book-light at midnight.

Saying how she was going to leave because she knew she didn’t fit in, that she made things harder. That, because she had a different dad, she shouldn’t be there. That she intruded on the family.

And you would come in and hold me, and mum, you’d sing me to sleep with our song; our special song.

And I love you guys so much, and I can’t thank you enough.

We have our bad days; lets be honest, who doesn’t?

But here we are- closer than ever.

Mum- thank you for keeping me, for raising me and for loving me. For being spectacular and always finding time for me, even though you were a single mum in her early twenties.

And dad; thank you for accepting me, for loving me. For letting me join the family. For always trying to make me feel like I belonged, even when I didn’t.

I love you both so much.

-Lily Ireland

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