Day 13 - Someone you wish could forgive you

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Dear person,

I'm not sure who I've hurt.

Not quite sure, because I don't know who actually likes me, or who has been hurt by simply being around me; like collateral damage. I know that I've probably hurt masses of people, and I still don't know and goddamnit I'm writing this while watching sing with Big Bird on Sesame Street and I know that I suck at being a person, and a friend and I'm really sorry.

I;m just really sorry if I've ever been the one to do something that has made you feel like shit, and I honestly have never meant to. And I really hope you can forgive me, even though I don't deserve that at all.

But you're probably a better person than me (let's be honest; who isn't) so I hope you forgive me, and seriously?

Just punch me in the face next time I'm an asshole because god knows I deserve it.

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