Day 16 - Someone that's not in your state/country

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I originally had a lot of people in mind for this.

For one, I really wanted to use Sammy; then again, I really wanted to write to the rest of my friends.

And then, I thought of you.

You aren't in another country, although you could be; the water and land seperating us was enough to pull apart the threads of our friendship, and we left them there, to be washed away by the sea.

I think we both knew that everyone expected us to get married one day.

It was our mom's perfect fantasy; childhood sweethearts, together till the end.

I'm pretty sure you were my first kiss, although I do believe you couldn't have called them that, so I don't count them.

I mean, little pecks on the lips to say goodbye from your best friend? What a sucky way to lose your first kiss.

But i do wonder what we would be like now.

Would we still be the country kids we used to be? The ones who rolled around in the dirt together, went exploring, ran around the paddocks nearly naked, just to throw water at one another?

No. I think we would be a lot different.

But that's okay. And memories are ok.

I hope you are okay.


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