Day 12 - The person you hate most/caused a lot of pain

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Dear person,

I don't hate you. I couldn't hate you, because the thought of hating someone other than people like Hitler and Osama bin laden. But goddamnit, you make it really hard to like you.

I made so many excuses for you, because I really thought that we were friends- best friends.

And you didn't actually give a fuck, you just cared about guys and that was it. You ruined my friends grades, by not doing the work in group projects. You made my friends feel like absolute shit by putting them down. You made me feel worthless, and make it so I thought there were things wrong with me, multiple things, shitty things. And then, you threaten me- you threaten to tell people stuff you know I would never want to be told, because the guy you liked, who you thought was oh so precious, told people you moved.

And you were such a goddamn bitch that you turned a blind eye to him and started blaming me.

And this wasn't the first time you'd treated me like it. And that's what sucks.

You can come talk to me when you get your head out of your ass.

Maybe then we can be friends.


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