The one about the triangular lake

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[and the winner is Caschansan again with the correct answer!
The wife was a photographer. Shot him with a camera, and the water and hanging was her developing the photo in a dark room.]

[Normally I have 13 jokes per chapter, but there will be a few chapters with long story jokes like this

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[Normally I have 13 jokes per chapter, but there will be a few chapters with long story jokes like this. This was too dumb and amazing not to include. Anyhoo... riddle!

As I was going to Saint Ives,
I met a man with seven wives.
Each wife had had seven sacks.
Each sack had seven cats.
Each cat had seven kits.
Kits, cats, sacks, wives,
How many were going to Saint Ives?

I hope the picture isn't too hard to read, it's kind of a long thing to write out so I just put the pic b/c I'm lazy, but I can write it out if it's too small, or too blurry. Love y'all.

<3 Raaor!

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