Sleepless night😩

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In a room, beds side by side touching each other, so that there is no space in between the 2 Akatsuki memebers. Moaning and shiffting can be heard throughout the hideout while, the other members of the organization were sound asleep.
Deidara had troubles falling asleep because of a heated, exciting dream that corrupted his mind, while he was sleeping.
He then awoke from his dream to find his boxers tighter around his waist and, a thick bulge that was as solid like rock.
Deidara was trying to think of a way to slow down the throbbing before, Sasori wakes up to find him blushing like a crimson strawberry.
It will take a while for his cock to calm down but, It is not that easy at all to accomplish quickly in time.
Deidara finally sinking down into his bed, getting comfy again to take his mind off the previous dream he had just experianced.
He was trying not to wake the wooden human up because, the bed sqeaked whenever he moved.

(Sorry about the name I gave Sasori hehe$)

Sasori now shiffting closer to Deidara until, there was an inch between them both but, little did he know that Sasori was still awake.
Deidara took a shaky breath hoping not to wake His partener up from his peacefulness.
Deidara was now laying on his black, fuzzy pillow looking over at the puppet with..a small smile on his face thinking quietly. He parted his lips and began to whisper softly to Sasori "Hope you are able to hear what I am going to say to you because, it is the only time when I have courage to speak this in person to you without stuttering."
Deidara began to talk in a hushed voice and, honestly hoping he could not hear anything cause, he was nervous about the reaction.
"You look so adorable wrapped up in your blanket, sound asleep. Well..I have been wanting to tell you this for quiet a long time and, wanted to tell you before I don't have the courage to anymore so... here it goes."

1min pause from thought of something cute☺️

" Sasori, I have known you for like... heaven knowns how long. I have found someone to stay alive for and also, someone to share memories with. I know that you are a puppet but, you have a human heart that needs to beat also, pump blood through out your body. I want you to have the warmth and feeling back in your body. I know that you may not love me the same way that I do. Sasori no dana my man... (breathes) you are my forever and even thought that we argue about art, i want to be you're eternal artwork when I pass on. I want to stay with you even if it is a puppet body. I know you can create something for me that will never separate us even though my human body will no longer be. I love you so much. Ever since we have met and gotten put in pair with each other, pain was right to pit us both together as a team because, being around you makes my heart go BOOM!!
I could never imagine a world without you my Sasori no dana, my world, my everything.
I couldn't keep my eyes off of you, I couldn't stop thinking about how damn cute you are and now..... I need you Sasori my man... I really need you with me for life and forward.
  Will you be mine Sasori?"
Deidara finishes his whispered speach that, he always wanted and needed to say because.. if he didn't say it now, it could always go the other way.

Minutes later, Sasori chuckled softly and closed the inch in between them both.
Deidara was frozen for a bit but, kissed back with more passion and love.
The kiss started to heat up with moans and growling. Their bodies became closer.
Their hearts are racing.
Their movements are faster.
Deidara then kissed Sasori's neck making him moan loud but, still settled.
Sasori took off his shirt letting Deidara feel his body, sending shivers up his spine.
Sasori know that he was a puppet and, changing from is human for he use to have also, having the feelings of a person again. He missed having the warmth of his skin. He missed having the feelings of a real person and, being able to feel complete pleasure when someone kissed him.
Sasori then realized... it is all coming back too him.
He smiled knowing he could breath lively again, without the round block of chakra keeping him alive. Now he can be free from all that was holding him back. All it took was a single feel of human connection and true realization of passion, love, happiness, courage and trustworthyness in his life to conquere what seemed to be forever of not being human once more.

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