Ms. Who?

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Kara's POV

Today's a special and very busy day for Ms Grant. While she is in her office furiously typing away on her computer I can see a shadow covering the sunlight that was still covering my face a few seconds ago. I look up and see a woman with tight up black hair, looking down at me. "Excuse me but can I speak to Cat Grant please?" The unfamiliar women says with a thick accent. "Do you have an appointment?" I ask with a questioned face. "No I don't" the woman says while staring at me. I feel a bit uncomfortable under her gaze and starts shifting uncontrollably in my chair. "Then I'm sorry but you can not speak to her." I say while glancing at my computer for a few seconds and breaking the uncomfortable eye contact.

At the same moment

I'm focused on my work when suddenly I have the feeling something is going to happen and I have a feeling I don't like it. I look up and give my eyes a rest from the bright computer screen. When I do that I see a family figure talking to Kara. I frown and brake the pencil I have in my hand. I look down on it and think to myself. Not this time Luthor. That girl is mine and I don't like it when pigs like you come and try to take it away from
Me. I start the feel jealous and I talked a deep breath before standing up and adjusting my red pencil skirt. My black heels click on the marble floor while I make my way over to Kara and the family woman. "What do you want Luther." I say coldly and scolding a bit. "Ah Ms Grant, I was just asking this pretty girl of yours if I could talk to you for a second." She says cockily while grinning at me with that stupid face. "First where are your manners you farmer. And second why and about what do you want to talk about and waits precious minutes of my time?" I say while jutting our a hip and pulling up one eyebrow. Kara is watching this with wide and confused eyes. Following everything that's been said. That look. It makes me feel soft. I realize that I'm getting distracted and put my facade back on and looking coldly at the one and only Lena Luthor.

Kara's POV

Everything is happening so fast. Ms Grant joined the conversation and suddenly there is tension all over the room. I don't know why but Ms Grant seems like she's about to kill the woman who's last name is apparently Luthor. Before I know it the woman turns around back to the elevator but not before giving me a wink and a sly grin. I look confused at the lady and hear Cat huff in annoyance before turning onto her heels and heading back into the office. I can see she's frustrated but I don't know why. I decided to let it slip and start to work on my task that is needed to be done in 5 minuets! I better hurry then before Ms Grant bites my head off.

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