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I woke up first bright and early and was just ready to go home. I had to fake an act last night, and all in all yesterday wasn't as fun as i'd hoped. I was bummed, and i just wanted to be alone.

My phone buzzed and i looked down to see a message from Grayson.

graysondolan: Hey, you okay from last night?

jamieluv: Yeah, Thanks
jamieluv: how's Zach?

graysondolan: I'll admit he's a little bummed, but I'm sure he'll be fine

jamieluv: is he mad at me?

graysondolan: no, he understands. Everything's all good.

I set my phone down taking a deep breath. It was almost noon and although i knew it's weird to leave this early, i just wanted to get out of here. I️ went to the bathroom getting dressed into regular clothes before packing up my things. As i exited the bathroom i nearly had a heart attack as i saw sienna standing behind me.

"Oh my god!" I nearly yelled.

Sienna lightly laughed, "Sorry. Why are you leaving so soon?"

"Oh, i always leave early during a sleepover." I lied, realizing how stupid it sounded.

Sienna let out a heavy sigh, "I️ know you're lying, but I'll let it slide."

"I'm really sorry Sienna i-"

"Just go home." She laughed, "I know you need some time to think, it's fine really."

I lightly smiled, "Thankyou."

I spent the day at home in my pajamas watching Netflix. I was sprawled across my couch nearly asleep when a knock on the door scared me.

"Jamie can you get that!" I heard from upstairs.

I groaned slowly getting up to retrieve it. When i answered i stopped for a moment, "Um.."

"Surprise!" Zach said.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked looking to Grayson and Ethan.

"Carnival." Zach said in a duh tone.

"I told you i couldn't go." I said a bit confused, "I literally said those exact words."

"You said you couldn't go on date with me." Zach corrected.

I stood for a moment feeling as if i was talking to a brick wall, "Exactly."

"Okay well Grayson and Ethan are here too so it's not really a date." He pointed out.

A small smile formed on my face as i realized what they were doing.

"We'll give you some time to get dressed." Ethan smirked as they all walked to the car.

I closed the door behind me with a huge smile on my face, they are some smart boys.

I left my house locking the door behind jumping into the car with the boys. They all looked to me slyly and i couldn't help but smile. What Grayson and Ethan were doing for me and Zach was really nice.

We got to the carnival, and once we bought tickets Grayson turned to me, "Wow I'm like super hungry, are you super hungry too Ethan?"

"Yeah Grayson we should probably go get some food since we're super hungry." Ethan said beginning to play along.

"Good idea Ethan maybe we should go walk around to find a place to eat."

"Oh good idea Grayson let's go." Ethan said pulling Grayson away.

I let out a small laugh turning to Zach, "You guys are hilarious."

Zach smiled, "Let's get this party started."

I was honestly having such an amazing time. Zach made sure every moment was a fun one and i was really glad i didn't turn this down.

"I'm gonna do something really cliche." He said walking to a table filled with bowls.

"And what's that?" I asked following closely behind.

"I'm gonna win you that panda." He said paying for 5 balls.

I looked to him in awe, "Why did i know you were gonna do that?"

He shrugged, "Beats me."

He started playing, and on the last ball he made it in. I clapped in the background with a huge smile.

The lady working the booth pulled down the panda handing it to Zach, as he proceeded to hand it to me.

I held it in my hands feeling a small blush, "Aw no ones ever won me a panda before." I said sarcastically.

He smiled placing his hands in his pocket, "Well now i have."

I stared at him for a split second before feeling a wave of sadness.

"Tonight was fun.. but i still can't.." i said not even wanting to finish my sentence.

Zach looked down to me and shook his head, "Look, Jamie- I'm just gonna be honest with you. I like you, and I'm really hoping you like me too. Nina is the past and if she has a problem with that then oh well- screw the girl code. I'm gonna be with you despite any of my exes or any weird made up rules."

"Zach that's sweet but once again-"

He rolled his eyes walking closer to me, "Stop talking."

Before i could even react he placed his hands on my cheek kissing me softly. I didn't know what to do, it all happened so fast. I found myself kissing him back, enjoying every second.

He slowly parted from the kiss looking me in the eyes, "I want to be with you, Jamie."

Without thinking about any of the consequences i grabbed Zach's hand in mine, "I wanna be with you too."

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