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*three months later


I lightly groaned as i heard a knock on the door. I didn't want to move out of Grayson's arms.

"Do you think it's important?" I asked.

"You'll never know if you don't go see." He said, lightly kissing my forehead.

I sighed standing up to retrieve it. I opened the door and caught myself almost choking on my spit, "Oh my god."

"Hey.." Maddie said awkwardly, with a very tense myles beside her.

"What are you guys doing here? Why-"

"Just, let us talk." Maddie said, cutting me off.

I nodded.

"These past few months I've seen you all over Instagram."

"I blocked you."

"Yeah i made a fake account." Maddie informed.

I decided to not even comment on that, and let her continue.

"I've.. we've seen how happy you are and we haven't seen you that way in a long time." She said.

"Wow i wonder why." I said sarcastically.

Myles then sighed, chiming in, "We've apologized and begged for your forgiveness for the past year. Obviously saying sorry isn't going to do anything so.. we've decided to act on our words."

"I'm not following." I said leaning against the door.

Maddie then stared me in the eyes, "I hate what i did to you. I hate how i set you up, and let you live a lie. Instead of showering you with I'm sorries, I'm gonna do something about it."

"We're gonna do something about it." Myles corrected.

"Can we cut the chit chat and get to the point i mean i don't have all day-"

"I'm confessing." Maddie blurt, "Today. This afternoon. Right after i leave here."

"Wait wait-"

"Your name will be cleared. You won't have to live this lie anymore, you'll be free!" She exclaimed.

"No i-"

"And of course you're going to try and talk us out of it." Myles said, "But no. This is us, showing you how sorry we are."

"7 years. You'll both be behind bars for 7 years and the food there is disgusting and there's no shower curtains, the beds are hard as rock, and there's dust everywhere legit just dust everywhere and the people in there are mean they're not scared to fight you and the outfit they make you wear is hideous it's orange and i know how much you hate orange and you have to wear it everyday like no exceptions just orange for seven years-"

"Jamie." Maddie laughed, "I know."

"Why are you guys doing this? Now. You guys are off the hook."

"Yeah But you're not. I should've served my time when i was supposed to instead of acting like a coward.. and being a horrible best friend."

I was at a loss for words.

"Babe what's going on?" Grayson asked coming from behind me, then making eye contact with Maddie, "What are you doing here? What is she doing here?"

"It's nice to see you too Grayson."

"Wish i could say the same. Jamie- are they bothering you?"

"Saddle down cow boy." Myles interrupted, "We're making peace."

"Who the hell are you?" Grayson asked stepping closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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