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I woke up to a loud knocking on my door. I got out of bed rushing downstairs confused as to who'd be here this late at night.

I opened the door and saw sienna, but she didn't look like sienna.

"Oh my god." I said.

"I'm sorry for stranding you guys at the restaurant and showing up so late and unannounced but i don't know where else to go and I'm so sad right now-"

"Hey hey calm down, what happened?"

Her face seemed to break after every word, "He broke up with me."

If only you could see my face. I was shocked, i didn't know what to do or say. I simply grabbed her pulling her into a full on hug as she cried for what seemed like hours. This was a side of sienna that truly scared me.

Sienna slept over and i hadn't slept at all. Grayson and sienna over? I just can't wrap my finger around it.

I saw her soon flutter her eyes open, and they were swollen. I sighed, "Morning."

She sluggishly sat up, "Great. That wasn't a dream."

"What happened with you and grayson that caused him to break up with you?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know. One day we're happy and loving and then the next it's like we can't seem to get along. I was so scared to let him go that i held on not even caring that he wasn't happy anymore. And when he.. ended it for good i realized that was it. No more sienna and Grayson."

"I'm so sorry Sienna i had no idea."

"No one did." She said, "I was too scared to tell anyone."

"Everyone has breakups. It's not something to be ashamed of."

"But we're Sienna and Grayson. We're those people who you'll say 'who's sienna?' And they'll be like 'Grayson's Sienna'."

I nodded, "I get it."

"I just can't believe it's over."

I sighed going to sit next to her, "it'll hurt for a while but it'll get better. And in the mean time the only thing you should be focusing on is your work."

"Focus? I can't focus on anything." She said, "All I'm thinking about right now is Grayson and where i went wrong."

"It's not your fault sienna. It's no ones. Everyone isn't meant to be together forever. That's what i learned with Zach. Things do happen and feelings do change. Everything changes once in a while but that doesn't mean we have to be afraid of something new."

She gave me a small smile, "Thank you for letting me stay over. I really appreciate everything you've done for me. I'm gonna go home and just think a little more."

"Okay. If you need anything else I'll be here."

She smiled grabbing her phone, "Okay."

Later that day, i went to the store and bought hot wings and blue cheese as a small offering to Grayson. We hadn't talked all day, so i decided to go over his house.

I knocked on his door waiting for him to answer, but was instead awaited by Ethan.

"Oh hey Jamie."

"Ethan!" I exclaimed, "You do live here don't you?" I asked, completely forgetting their brothers.

"Yep. Have been for almost 18 years." He answered, "What's up?"

"I just came to see Grayson." I said.

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