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Nothing I can do? Nothing can fix this? Jamie's just afraid to get her hopes up, but I know I can make this go away. I just wish she'd let me help her. She doesn't deserve to live with this.

The rest of the day it was driving me insane. Before the last bell, I had made up my mind. I'm taking matters into my own hands.


From the internet, I saw that her old school name was MoleGrove High. I left during 6th period, not minding much that I'd probably get in trouble for it later. Whatever, it's only art.

I got into my car and began making the 30 minute drive. I got there just as the last bell rung. I kept a close eye out for Maddie who's picture I also found off the internet.

After what seemed like forever, I finally saw her walk out the building. I took a deep breath before approaching her, "Maddie?"

She looked up from her phone confused, "Stranger?"

"Grayson." I greeted.

"Okay.. hi, Grayson? What do you want?" She asked.

"To talk. About Jamie."

Her face dropped, "I don't wanna talk about Jamie."

"Well then its too bad you don't have a choice." I said, standing in her way as she tried to walk off.

"I'll call the police." She threatened.

"Oh, go ahead. And while you're telling them some creepy stalker guy named Grayson is harassing you, make sure to mention that you framed Jamie for a crime she didn't commit."

"Leave me alone." She spat, beginning to get angry.

"No. Just because Jamie had a bad taste in friends doesn't mean she has to pay for it for the rest of her life." I argued, "I mean come on, what kind of a 'best friend' are you?"

"I loved Jamie, okay. And you weren't even there when it happened so leave it alone."

"When what happened? When you locked her in a room where she could be raped for money or when you got caught and put the money in Jamie's locker before bribing everyone to keep quiet and testify against her?"

"I did what I had to do!" She yelled, "I was looking out for myself because I made a mistake and I panicked! I'm a coward, okay? I was too afraid to take up for my own crime and too ashamed to let anyone know the truth. I knew that Jamie could get out of that situation easier than I could've, and she did! It's done, over!"

"It's not! She's living a complete lie because she's scared of how people will react and what they will think! She didn't do it but no one believes her so she's made a new identity all together, and it's your fault!" I yelled back, "She has to lie about her past just to get by. How can you live with yourself knowing that you've ruined her life? How is she supposed to get into college?- or even get a job when all anyone will ever see is felon as if it's written on the top of her forehead?"

"Look!" She said, "I already feel bad enough as it is. Stop pouring salt in the wound."

"I won't let you get away with this. You confess, or I go public with everything." I threatened.

"Yeah? With what proof? What lawyer? What evidence? The case is closed. I hope Jamie makes it out okay in the future, I really do, but your plan to expose me and become the hero has failed. I'm glad she has friends like you who care, ones who will keep her safe and protect her. Let it go."

I lightly laughed, "You know I kind of had a feeling you'd push me away, so I thought ahead."

"What are you talking about?" She asked annoyed.

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