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Sienna still wasn't at school, so this period pretty much breezed by. However, i kept thinking about how bad 2nd period would be with Zach and Grayson. I was scared, honestly.

After the bell had rang, I made my way to physics nervously. As i walked through the classroom i saw Grayson and Zach weren't there. I went to my seat and waited impatiently. My heart was beating really fast.

They both walked in at the same time talking away. I lightly held my head down pretending not to see them. A few seconds passed and i saw Grayson and Zach were both seated on the opposite side of the classroom. I tried not to let it get to me, but it hurt, it hurt a lot.


That day, no one talked to me. Margaret and Ethan walked right past me in the hallway, and Nina couldn't even bare to look at me. They all acted as if i wasn't even there. When lunch rolled around i didn't know what to do, so i just went onto the field alone. I walked around the track a few times before taking a seat on the bleachers. The wind blew through my hair as i stared up at the sky sadly, regretting every decision I'd ever made.


When school ended i drove straight home. I went into my room plopping onto the bed. Today sucked. Grayson didn't even look at me, not even once. A message soon came in from Mallory and i lightly sighed,

How are you doing babe?


No word from any of them?

They hate me.

Want me to come over? I have coupons for frozen yogurt

Thanks mal, But i think i just wanna be alone right now :(

Okay Jamie. Love you

I love you too.

I set my phone down, completely disregarding my homework. I put on sweatpants and a hoodie wallowing into my bed. The only thing on my mind was Grayson. I honestly didn't even care about the others at this point. They all just stopped talking to me. It's not that i don't know why, it's the fact that they didn't even tell me why. Like they just all decided they were gonna cut me off, as if i never even existed. It sucks. And it makes me want to cry.

The next day at school. Nothing had changed. Absolutely nothing. The day after that, the day after that, and the next few days, nothing had changed. Sienna was back at school, but it's not like it mattered. She didn't talk to me either. It'd been almost 2 weeks of having no one. Mallory tries to help me out as much as she can, but she has her own life. She has her own friends, responsibilities and problems that are more important than me. I sat outside on the bleachers, as I'd done everyday during lunch. I peered over in the distance and saw Mallory walk out. She made her way to me and plopped down, "Hey."

"Hi." I said, not even making eye contact. I haven't even been myself lately, and it's kind of hard to smile, or even pretend to be happy. I've lost everyone- I've lost Grayson.

"I told you you could sit with me and my friends." Mallory said.

I shook my head, "No thanks."

Mallory stared at me sadly before speaking again, "I know you miss him."

I didn't say a word.

"And i know you feel like you've ruined everything, but if you just talk to him-"

"No." I said, "These past weeks I've seen him happy. They've all been.. super happy."

"Jamie i don't give a damn about their happiness, and neither should you. Screw them! They left you without an explanation and they walk past you everyday not feeling a single ounce of guilt. You've gotta stop giving a shit about what happens to them." She said.

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