Hungry For? 2

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read, I know it's bad

—Part 2


"9, 8, 7, 6.." His orange eyes had begun to grow a deeper colour, almost blood red. Something about them had automatically put me in a trance which made me numb to the atmosphere around me. What's wrong with me?

"3, 2... y/n.." Even his voice was raspy, very low. Making my skin crawl but in an unusual way, my feet dragged along the carpet, around the table and right up to him. I continued staring into his eyes, my mouth opened just the slightest bit.

"Mhmm, good girl." He began to smirk as a chuckle escaped his lips too. He put his finger underneath my chin, luring me closer to his face. Why could I not break from this thing he had me under? I wanted to pull away so bad but this 'spell' was too strong.

"Wanna know a little secret, y/n?" His warm breath brushed against my face, causing even more shivers but I couldn't react to them. I was frozen and all I could do was stare.

"I can read minds, especially yours.." He circled around me like a shark was ready to attack its prey.

'What the fuck, what kinda witchcraft is this?'

"It's not witchcraft my dear, it's just something I have from being a demon." He stated.

'Oh fuck, he can actually read my mind'

"Yes, Yes I can." He stopped finally, behind me. His hands slithered around my waist and pulled me into his large frame. I still couldn't move, one of his hands began to travel up my figure, reaching my neck and tightened his slender fingers around it.

His hand had pushed my head up, resting on his shoulder in a way, very deadly. If I did make a sudden move.. or could then he would have a massive advantage to twist my head to one side for a fatal crack, or even choke me.

"I bet you wouldn't mind being choked, would you now?" His grip tightened, a weak whimper escaping the small part between my lips. In the moment I could feel my surroundings come back to me, the trance he had me under began to fade.

I lifted my hand and held onto his that was wrapped my neck.

Was he right? Am I that sick to let this demon almost strangle me and I wouldn't have a problem with it? Because it felt.. nice in a way.

No. No, you don't. He wants to kill you, not please you.

"Although I wouldn't mind doing both." The words rolled off his tongue and into my ear, he was so close, too close. He placed his head in the crook of my neck, I could feel his grin form from my previous thoughts.

"Oooh, y/n. Your fear smells so sweet on you, so fresh and delicious." He hummed in my neck, his hand still stuck around it.

"Please.. just, let me go." I silently begged underneath him, my body was slightly shaking.

But before he could even respond to my pleading, I felt a warm, wet substance on my neck. He was licking me? Kissing, sucking? What was he doing?

I felt violated, humiliation tattooed itself all over me. For letting this demon have its way, even though I couldn't stop it.

I tried shifting myself in his grip, but it only made it tighter once again.

"You even taste delicious, tell me y/n? How does this feel?"

Roman Godfrey ♡ Bill SkarsgårdWhere stories live. Discover now