Wet Dreamz

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I had a dream last night and it keeps replaying in my mind, I thought it would be worth doing an imagine about.

I do not remember who the male was! I can only remember what happened, so if you want, you can replace the person with WHOEVER you like. And have fun reading!

It was also a dream that was set in Hemlock Grove, so vampires, wolves etc.

Let's just say the dream was very supernatural and random, so fucking random.

Do not play the song until I tell you!


Here you are, the newbie, fresh meat, an outcast. No one knew you, but you liked it that way. You weren't placed in any of the categories high school would make: A jock, nerd, popular, freak, and so on and so forth.

School was just another shitty place in the town, everyday would be the same, just strangers with a pulse, surrounding you daily, minding their own business.

You hoped it would stay like that until you left the area.

"Hey, you're the new kid?" A boy had stopped you, he was only a few inches taller than you. Brown/blackish hair that almost covered his whole head including the face.

 Brown/blackish hair that almost covered his whole head including the face

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^Basically like this but a tad shorter^

He had a piercing above the left corner of his lips, a small diamond one. He had a strong face structure, especially his cheekbones and jaw. Great, pearly white teeth that you couldn't stop gazing at when he spoke or even smiled at you. And pale, doll like skin that would bring out his icy irises. But his voice must've been the best, it was so dark and that 'cough-kind' (if that makes sense) raspy way.

"Hello? Anyone there?" He waved his veiny hand in front of your eyes making you snap back to reality.

"Sorry.. I didn't mean to-" You stopped talking and just laughed it off, you didn't want to make yourself anymore weirder.

He laughed at you, in a good way.

"You've got a cute laugh, the names Alex." He pointed out, which made your thoughts about him go even more crazy. Alex

"I have to go.." You said without hesitation, something in your mind had ruined the moment, something.. you wish he would never find out or anyone and if they/he did, you won't be the same person everyone knows you as.

"Oh, do you want me to walk you-"

"No! I mean.. no thanks, I'll be alright." You gave a reassuring smile to him and walked off. You could feel his stare burn into the back of you, you didn't want to turn around. You just kept walking.

*.Time Skip.*

You were finishing getting undressed in the girls locker room, after athletics. There were only two more girls but one had left to go take a shower and the other was also busy getting dressed. You decided you needed a shower since you smelt like sweat from how much you've doing the past two hours, so you followed behind the blonde into the showers.

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