Bite Me

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You and Pennywise had an argument but had turned you on from how angry he was.

lord knows where i was trying to go with this imagine 🤦🏻‍♂️ btw it's pennywise but in his human form..

"Eat me. Do it, rip my limbs off..piece by piece. Sink your teeth into my neck and watch my blood run down my chest." You glared at him.

He looked back at you, his breath was heavy as his eyes wandered all over your body. You wore clothes but yet you still felt naked from his stare. His eyebrows were furrowed and his hands were clenched, so tight that his knuckles began to go white.

You couldn't imagine the things flooding his mind at the moment. What was he thinking? Did you really want to know.. you began to make yourself scared. But you stood your ground.

"You have no idea who you're talking to my dear," He growled. "Don't underestimate me."

"I'll do more than just kill you." His words rolled off his tongue and made your skin crawl.

"Fucking do it. I've gave you so many opportunities to kill me, but you refuse every time and then get upset with me about it." You spat.

His eyes widen, sort of making you regret saying that.

His eyes flickered blue and orange constantly, you're pulse picked up, as he began taking slow steps towards you. You shook your head hoping he wouldn't do anything but the look in his eyes told you something else.

You made small whimpers as he got closer, you leaped closer to him placing your hands on his chest. "I didn't mean it.. you know that." A tear ran down your cheek.

He inhaled deeply, closing his eyes in the process as he finally opened them, they were red and an evil grin appeared on his lips.

"Your fear smells delicious on you.." his voice was raspy. You gripped onto his shirt, begging with your bloodshot eyes.

"Please, i-i.." you pleaded.

"Please! I-I.." he mocked, making you look at him with a taken back face.

Something had clicked when he made fun of you, like a reality truck had just hit you. You let go of his shirt, and stepped back looking at the ground with confusion on your face.

"What?" He said.

You didn't reply, you kept looking at the ground like you were trying to remember something but whatever it was, you just couldn't put your finger on it. And it made you mad.

"Did you not hear me? I said WHAT?" He began to grow impatient.

You continued ignoring him, you knew it was making him angry but you found it.. satisfying. Like you enjoyed seeing him like this, it made you happy. You looked up to him and began giggling like a small child.

"I said what?! Goddamnit woman!" He gripped your throat, "I expect a fucking answer." You laughed even more, struggling to breath but you couldn't help yourself.

"Touch me, tear me apart.. please" Your words were dark and sweet.

He tilted his head to the side, what had gotten into you? He was so confused by your sudden behaviour.

"You're crazy." He let go of your throat, you caught your breath once again.

But before he fully pulled his hand away, you grabbed it and placed it up to your mouth. You began to lick his finger, sucking it and letting your saliva run down it. Your plump lips sliding up and down on it.

You took his hand and placed it in your hair, making him grip onto it. He pulled your head back making you moan out load, "oh baby doll,"

"Why don't you just fuck me and then eat me?"  You offered to him, he pulled you by the hair up to his face. And he whispered,

"Why are you so desperate for me to eat you?" You had a strange feeling run down your core when he said that.

You weren't paying attention do any of the words that came out his mouth, you just kept your stare at his pigmented, red luscious lips that you wanted to taste.

Your eyes shifted down to his neck, then chest and stomach. You could see the visible toned pack underneath his shirt. Then your eyes shot up to his arms, the veins that travelled along beneath his skin, starting from his bare hands to the wrist and finished around the elbows.

The things he would do to you with his large hands made your knees weak below you.

You didn't realise he was watching you the whole time, focusing on what you were thinking about.

"You're such a naughty girl for thinking those things, y/n." He whispered again in your ear, making you snap from your thoughts.

"Y-You can re-read my thoughts?" You said with disbelief. "Yes, my dear." You blushed from his response.

Oh shit.

"it makes me hard."

Roman Godfrey ♡ Bill SkarsgårdWhere stories live. Discover now