Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: You're real

___'s POV "I-I believe you now." I didn't know what else to say, I mean this guy just kissed me! He only smiled a creepy smile and laughed. "I told you I was real." He said. I nodded looking at my feet. "So all those memories...they were... real?" "As real as your life is now ___." I cried, I just couldn't help it, I had to. All those years of people telling me that I'm crazy, nuts, insane! It was all true... that whole time it was all true! I wasn't crazy they only made me think that I was crazy! "Why are you crying?" He asked concerned. Just then my sorrow turned to laughter and he smiled."HAHA! Those idiots! They call me crazy but I am not crazy! I mean, you're real! Look who's crazy now!" L.J. only laughed. "That's it kiddo let your insanity out!" L.J. said laughing.

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