Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: That reason is stupid -_-

__'s POV: "The reson I forgot about L.J. was because, that, well, it was only way to make people believe that I wasn't crazy. My therepists told me over and over again that he wasn't real and, I guess, I guess over time I started to believe them. I starrted to believe that L.J. was truly nothing more that an imagenary friend." I told Jeff. He looked at me dumb founded. "That reason is stupid." He said. I frowned, "Will you go tell L.J. now?" I asked. He laughed, "You tell him, that reasons is stupid!" He repeated. I sighed, and said, "And just how do I find him oh wise Jeff." (Note sarcasm) "Follow me." He said juming out my window and landing on his feet. I hesatated, but followed. I jumped out the window landing on my feet as well. I then followed Jeff down streets and back ally ways, until we reached a forest surrounded by mist and fog. "This," He said standing in front of the woods, "is Slender forest." He said grinning and started walking into the woods. I stood there for a minuet until Jeff's face poked out from the woods. "You coming or what?" He asked. I nodded reluctently and followed him into the forest.  

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