Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Insanity is happiness 

___'s POV: I looked at L.J. with confusion. "What do you mean let my insanity out? I am not insane." "Everyone is insane ___, it's just that, well, more people hide it or keep it under control, then those who let it show." He replied. I thought what he had said for a moment, and then nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I guess that make since." L.J. just laughed. "Insanity is happiness for some." "Like you?" I replied back. The looked at me thinking for a moment and said, "Yeah, I guess, but I am not as insane as the others." "Others?" I questioned. "You know, Slender man, Jeff the Killer, BEN, those guys." "You mean, there not just stories! Those guys are real!?" My jaw dropped. "Well yeah, I mean who would be so twisted and dark to be able to make up that stuff?" L.J. laughing. The more I thought about it the more it made since, who had the mind to make up these elaborate creatures and back stories? It made since that they were actually real. "So is Slender forest real?" I asked now interested in the topic. He only nodded in responce. I didn't know weather to freak out or scream. I mean the stories that I always thought were true, actally are; but at the same time, all of those crazy mas-murderers are real. Should I freack out, or scream? I honestly don't know. "Hey ___?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by L.J's voice. "What is it L.J?" "Why did you leave me?" "I told you, they made me." "You could have still believed in me you know." "How?" "Still see me, just don't talk about me, but you didn't do that, so why, why did you leave me ___? I love you." I froze. "I-I...I don't know." "Well let me know when you do." L.J. said, dissapearing. "L.J." I screamed, but it was to late, he was already gone. "Why did I leave him?" I found myself asking.  

Why did you leave me? (Laughing Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now