Chapter 15

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My little brother went in to say that dinner was ready.

"Coming lil bro," I said, bookmarking a page I was on & put the book down & turn the music down to get up & head to the dining room, finding out that dad cooked us steak with Caesar salad on the side. Right before my eyes to the wooden table.

I sat down & grab some juicy steak with salad on the side, grabbing a bottle of Thousand Island dressing to drizzle all over the salad & began chowing down. I have to admit, dad is a great cook ever since. He wore a grey muscle t-shirt with white shorts.

"So delicious," Zachi said excitedly, who's wearing a cute pink shirt to match with her brown shorts.

"Yep," I agreed. I was wearing a yellow tank top with white shorts with my hair up in a ponytail.

"Thank you," my dad, a smile spreading across his face.

And then we continued eating. Then we washed the dishes, then I went upstairs, got into my jammies & fell of the bed. I'm wearing a blue shirt with a cat face in it & pink & white polka dot PJs. Not really what I matched but what are the odds? I'm at home & I'm free to wear anything I want.

Suddenly, I heard on the window. It was 9pm, & I thought I heard a bird being knocked out. Finally, I decided to get up & look who or what's been knocking my window at the middle of the night.

When I see who's on the window, it's Red. His hair is messy. He's wearing a plain black shirt, blue PJs, & is wearing plain black Havaianas. He looked like a cute kid, only a cuter version of it. Okay, thinking about him messes up my mind but I didn't really care. He looked like a zombie because I saw that he has eye bags.

A cute zombie, I thought.

He was knocking on my window. So I unlock my window & push it up to let him in.

And he did come in to my room.

"Hey, sorry to disturb you in the middle of the night, but I have a problem," he began quickly.

"Okay okay, I'll heat you up some cinnamon tea," I suggested.

"No need! Well I want chamomile," he said, needing to calm down.

"On the way!" I said gleefully. "But I need to tell my dad that---"

He cut me off saying, "Please don't! I don't want my dad to find out."

He sounded so defensive.

"Oh alright, but you owe my dad an explanation," I said exasperating.

"Thanks!" he said gleefully. "You have a nice room," he said afterwards.

"Just wait for your tea! And if you want, you can sleep in the guestroom downstairs," I said, offering my help.

"Oh thanks," he said shyly.

I went downstairs, finding that my dad is up for a late newspaper reading. He dozes off once in a while so it wasn't hard to sneak off & heat up some chamomile tea. I got a chamomile tea bag in a box full of it in the upper cabinet beside the KoKo Krunch cereal. I have to admit I love cereal.

Anyway, I got one tea bag, heated some water in a cup at the microwave cautiously not waking up my dad, & put the tea bag in, using a teaspoon to mix it in until the tea was fully made, drop the spoon in the sink, looking at my sleeping dad to not wake up. I got his cup of tea & quietly walked to the guestroom.

The guestroom is okay, looking like one of the hotel rooms that I stayed once or twice every summer. It had a white bed with white bedsheets & pillows, a lamp on the desk table beside to it, & a bathroom next to the guestroom. I guess the guestroom quite look dull, but at least it's not really lifeless.

So I put his cup of tea on top of the desk table, went up quickly to my room, & explained to him that it's in the guestroom.

"Thanks dude," he said to me, feeling grateful for what I have done.

"No prob," I replied.

"Goodnight Nathalia. I'll explain to your dad everything," he said reassuringly.

"Night," I replied, smiling at him.

He went to my door & he closed it as he left my room, hoping he won't do anything to wake up my dad.

Night, my sweet angel, I thought as I have a smile creeping across my face before I sleep.

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