Chapter 48

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The next day, I was in a place with beeping machines. A tube was placed in my nostrils & I was finally awake to find myself in hospital clothes & cuts all over my right arm.

I woke up to a sleeping Red & my cousin Blair, who came in just last night. They looked stressed because of waiting me to finally wake up to hopefully be in my room. But no, I woke up in a hospital room.

To be honest, it's not that I hate hospital that I hate, it's the drama that causes the hospital to have tense emotions all over the place. Sometimes I wonder what's worse: A hospital or a funeral parlor.

When a nurse came in, she saw me that I was awake.

The nurse had black hair that was tied in a bun & is wearing her usual nurse uniform. She moved around gracefully. As she went over to my chart, I start to panic that I would be sent to a psychiatrist.

Not again, I thought.

"Hello miss," the nurse said. "My name is Mila & I would be your nurse for today."

"Wait, what hospital am I in?" I asked, familiarizing around the place but I couldn't put a finger to it.

"HOPE Hospital," the nurse said with a tired smile. "Do you know why you're here today?"

I was puzzled with my surroundings.

"No," I said slowly.

"You fainted with your cuts miss," she said.

I was lying here for the entire time, having a hypnotizing sleep when I suddenly woke up.

"You may go back to sleep miss," the nurse said. "A psychiatrist was hired for you."

As I went back to sleep, I thought about the one who hired a psychologist. It couldn't be Red because he doesn't have the authority to. So I thought about my dad or mom.

Suddenly, I heard Blair woke up & walked over to me & said, "Aunt Roberta again huh? I could see that pathetic woman blabbers her shit, yet I pity her way too much. She should have her life instead of ruining yours. That's where Billy got it. Don't worry. We'll see what happens if we see them. They're gonna have it ugly. This calls for the silent war."

She said it in a cold way. I'm not sure if it was for revenge or something. I heard her going back to the chair, grabbed something from her bag, & went back towards me. I couldn't picture what was she holding but it had to be something soft or cool.

"Look, I'll buy you pizza when you wake up. You need to eat. You don't want to end up being one of those people that don't eat after they got out of the hospital," Blair said.

She went out for a while. Before doing that, she went over to Red & said something that I couldn't hear & left the room.

A moment later, I heard Red came up to me. I know that he had to worry, but there was no way in the world that I could've been dreaming. Him being here in the hospital with my cousin from France. Wonder how they bumped into each other in the same room I'm in.

"Nat," he started. He was having a shaky breath. "I know you probably don't know this but I have a crush on you ever since the first day we met each other. It sounds deliriously crazy but I'm falling for you ever since we began talking. I couldn't eat, sleep or think without you in my mind. You're really beautiful, fun & cool. I would've done anything just to wake you up right now. Anyway, please don't die. Anything would be bad without you."

I was in a deep sleep trying to figure out what was wrong with me in the first place, but then I heard kissing from my right arm.

Red is.....kissing my arm? I thought  awkwardly. Why would he want to do that?

I heard him walking away & got some marker or pen. I don't know. Then he drew at my arm. I just knew because I heard him uncapping something.

"See you, Princess," he said in a whisper & I heard him kissing my forehead & left. I was all alone sleeping.

A couple of minutes later, Blair returned with pizza & Kathy.

"Look who's here to see you," Blair said as she trying to sound cheery in a ghost whisper.

I heard her putting the pizza box on my desk while I heard Kathy took a seat beside Blair, whispering to each other.

At around 4pm, my eyes started to flutter unconsciously. It was a blurry view at first but then it became clear when they were wide open. I scanned the room for Kathy who is watching a reality show that my cousin recommended for her (The Kardashians).

Suddenly, she noticed that I was awake. I saw the pizza box still being on my desk. When I opened it, half of it was eaten. It was a 4 Cheese Pizza from Pizza Hut so I couldn't be even more delighted when I grabbed my first slice. It was like a heaven rolled into one pie.

"Oh hey," Kathy said as she turned around to see me awake while eating a slice of pizza.

"Hey!" I said gleefully.

"Why'd you cut yourself then?" she asked quizzically as she examined my arm. "Aaaand you drew on your arm too."

"I-I didn't draw on my arm," I said as I looked at my own right arm. It had a butterfly & a heart.

"You're so dead with Gab & Matt," Kathy said with an exasperated laugh.

"Yeah," I start to say as I giggled.

Suddenly, a psychiatrist came in. She had bags under her eyes. She had a lab coat, a peach dress underneath & her orange flats.

"Hello, my name is Dr. May Italia, & I will be your psychiatrist. Your cousin named Blair left because she thought you would never be awake," the woman said politely. She had blonde hair & her built was fine. Her face I assumed had been pretty if she didn't have eye bags in the first place.

It's okay that Blair left because I'm used to her leaving me. There was this one time that she left me off because we weren't there yet for a party & 20 minutes after, they left. I know it hurts but it's damn okay. Least I'm used to being left behind by my loved ones & I have the courtesy of being myself in private. At least I have no one to explain & impress to.

"Ehem," she cleared her throat to Kathy, who was still watching the Kardashians.

"Oh I'm sorry," she said softly as she turned off the TV & left.

"See you," Kathy said in an almost whisper as I gave her a little wave & off she went.

"So you must be Nathalia Smith?" she said as she went over to my chart.

"Yeah," I said, my tone almost cracked.

"Okay, so let's get to know about yourself," she began. I hope this is not one of those therapy sessions that will torture you to the bones.

"Okay let's start slow. How old are you?"



"Read, surf the internet, watch TV, go out with friends, etc."

This went on & on for about 30 minutes, which is good.

But this question tortured my mind several times:

"Were there instances in your life that you wished that you changed your life?"


Shoutout to my cousin MaiMai1999's book called Loving Mr. Wright! :) Check it out!!! :D

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