Chapter 33

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After pondering my life, my dad's voice caught my attention from the kitchen.

"Kids! Dinner's ready!" dad's voice boomed.

Immediately, I put the letter under my pillow, folding it carefully then raced down to the kitchen. At some point, I saw a bowl of tuna pesto right on the table. It's Zachi's favorite so I wouldn't blame her because pesto is my third favorite pasta. So I grabbed my plate & I got a bunch of it, enough for me to eat. Zachi got 3 servings of it while the rest of us got 2-3 servings.

After dinner, I went to my room for my sleeping clothes. I chose an orange tank top to go with my neon green shorts. Suddenly I saw that my phone beep on my lamp desk.

It was a text from Red.

From: Red <3

Sorry for the bad mood earlier. Was beaten up by a kid.

And this is how our conversation went:

Me: It's ayt. What happened?

Red: Oh you know, some kid wanted to beat me up for my lunch money. So wazzup?

Me: Nothing much. Just lying on my bed.

Red: Hahahaha. No wonder I was doing the same thing...;)

Me: What?! Are you even stalking me?

Red: Why would I stalk you when I installed cameras at your room? ;)

Me: You're obsessed aren't you? -__-

Red: Haha. I'm kidding Princess ;)

Oh great with the Princess part again. I hope he doesn't call me anything else.

Red: So wanna hang out after school?

Me: Where? :/

Red: Starbucks near your place. Hope you'll be there Starlight ;)

Me: Are you flirting with me? :/

Red: Are you questioning my emotions?

Me: Not really. I'm just curious.

Red: Oh. I'll meet you guys up at lunch tomorrow then I'll pick you up for our hang out tomorrow. Sound good? ;)

Okay, I couldn't think straight anymore. My emotions got mixed up. At some point, I screwed it & I replied:

Me: Sure. That sounds nice.

Red: See ya Starlight ;)

Me: Please stop calling me that.... -____-

Red: Aww come on. Rest up. It's gonna be a long day....:)

Me: Goodnight then.

I put my phone down on my lamp desk & turned off my lamp & went to sleep.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

At some point, I woke up, knowing that it'll be a good day. So I woke up with the usual smile on my face, did the usual routine, & went down for breakfast. I wore a black sweater, a white skater skirt & a pair of my fave black Converse.

There were several mini breakfast sausages with salad on the side. I got two sausages & a bowl of salad to go with.

After I ate breakfast, we kissed dad goodbye & went to school. Zachi is wearing an orange sweater, a pair of her blue jeans & a pair of her orange flats while Nathan wore a white collared shirt, his dark jeans & a pair of black Vans.

"No Nathan, I did your homework last night & I had been up all night to finish mine. Now you're going to do me a favor & go away!" Zachi shouted to Nathan.

"No! That's hard!" Nathan squealed.

"Hey, you shouldn't have played Silent Hill all alone," Zachi said as she got pissed.

"She's right Nate," I agreed with her point.

He cried all the way. We all sighed exasperatedly.

"Look, pretty soon you're going to get to high school & I'm not around anymore & maybe Zachi won't be around either. No one can look after you but yourself. Eventually you'll understand," I explained calmly.

"O-okay," Nathan said while wiping his eyes after the tears in his eyes.

My siblings argue no matter how stupid the situation.

All the way to school, I found a way to get them to stop fighting: a treat to the cafeteria later.

When we reached the school, I did my usual thing for my siblings & left off to see Kathy.

At some point, when I was about to enter the classroom, I saw Kathy in a huge genuine smile. She's wearing a black Nirvana shirt with a pair of jeans & a black pair of her Uggs.

"So wazzup?" she said as she hugged me.

I pulled away so I can tell her about my date.

"Red asked me out," I said while my smile involuntarily appear on my face.

"Ooooooh! Someone's gotta date!" Kathy said loudly.

"Shut up!" I hissed at her. "And yeah so wish me luck later."

"Okay good luck!" she said gleefully.

"Thanks," I said happily as we got into our seats & wait for classes to start.

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