Bill Denbrough: Darkened Thoughts

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Laughter filled the air a long with careless splashing making (Y/n) smile slightly. Her eyes glimmering with amusement as her friends played chicken down in the water below. They all had tried to convince the girl to join in, but an uneasiness settled in her stomach at the thought.

Perhaps she was just to self conscious but even that didn’t seem right. It was just this hollow feeling in her stomach that grew and grew the more she thought about joining the group. So any idea of joining was easily tossed out in hopes that it would keep the feeling at bay.

A loud hiss sounded nearby startling the girl and it nearly sent her toppling off the cliff side. Her hands dug into the rock in the dirt to steady herself as she glanced back behind her.

Steam rose from one of the old sewer hatches just a yard or two away. Honestly it was hard to see so (Y/n) was just assuming that was the noise…. And perhaps she would have investigated, though luckily her curiosity shifted directions as a particularly laugh filled the air.

(Y/n)’s gaze was once again focused on the group and a small smile tugged at her lips. Ben Denbrough, a boy who meant everything to her, was laughing. Her heart leapt slightly realizing this was the happiest he seemed in quite sometime. However she found herself frowning slightly as his eyes drifted to Beverley causing a tiny grin to form on his face.

Perhaps he liked Bev….. But… (Y/n) shook her head attempting to suppress the thoughts flying through her head. Her insides suddenly felt like lead instead of being hollow. She realized she preferred the hollowness over this new feeling settling in her stomach.

Suddenly something snapped and (Y/n) realized the woods were all to quite. She glanced back as a sickly feeling over took her. Suddenly her throat felt dry and goosebumps covered her arm reminding her all to well of little pebbles. “H-Hello?” She called out worriedly.

“(Y-Y-Y/n) it’s m-me.”

(Y/n)’s body relaxed and she slowly got up dusting herself off and facing away from the quarry. Her heart felt like it was trying to leap into her throat and she wondered for a moment if that was possible…. It’s just Bill. She reminded herself, but something felt off deep in her mind as if he knew from the start something was off. “Bill? I thought you were with Bev and the others?”

“(Y-Y/n)… I-I-I…” Bill was stuttering badly as he stepped out into the opening but… Something was off… His skin was pale and his hands were shaking as if he was facing Henry Bowers himself. “H-help me…”

(Y/n)’s whole body went rigid and suddenly it seemed her heart stopped all together. “Bill… Your scaring me what do-”

(Y/n) never finished the sentence. A large hand reached out from the depths of the woods. (When had it gotten so dark?) It curled around his shoulder and with a shriek Bill was pulled into the woods. (Y/n) was frozen however listening to his voice with nothing but a numb ache. She couldn’t move though despite her desire to save or attempt to get Bill… Nothing worked… She was useless.

Bill was still screaming and yelling then silent once more…. “B-Bill?” She called out. Her hands were clenched so tight that her nails were digging into her skin.

A low chuckle filled the air making the hairs on (Y/n)’s neck stand up. Her whole body started to quiver as echoes of children’s laughter filled the air seeming to come from every direction filling her ears and drilling into her temple. She took a step back as a pair of glowing yellow eyes gleaned in the forest.

Then it was quiet again. However what came next haunted (Y/n)’s dreams for weeks later. It would cause her to wake in a cold sweat… There was no recollection of what happened in these dreams but fear would grip her heart in an iron grip. The voice was quiet and she recognized it all too well. Billy floats too (Y/n)! I float too! We float down here! And soon (Y/n) you can float too! Thousands of children’s voices began chanting the words ‘you can float too’.

(Y/n) stumbled back her head throbbing from the countless screaming voices. Her eyes watering and she was unsure if it was pain or fear causing them. Her eyes widened in horror as slowly Bill’s killer stepped out from the woods a twisted grin spread across his face. A clown… A bloody clown stepped out. His eyes a glowing orange and blood covered his body,

“Hiya (Y/n)…. Ready to float?”

(Y/n) stepped back… But there was nothing behind her to step on. A small shriek tore through her throat as she fell backwards. Her arms desperately reached out for something to grab for something to stop this downwhirl spiral but to no avail. The last thing she saw was the clown staring down at her as she slammed into the water.

Pain… That was the first thing young (Y/n)’s brain registered as she slowly awoke. She could hear muffled voices that sounded frantic and her eyes were blurry. A minute passed and her vision slowly cleared.

“(Y-Y-Y-Y/n)! A-are you alright?” (Y/n) nearly wept as Bill’s face filled her vision. His eyes were glimmering with tears and showed nothing but worry for her. Bill was slightly shocked when (Y/n) tugged him down for a hug. Her whole body quivering as if sobs were racking her body…. But she didn’t seem to be crying. “(Y/n)?”

“I’m fine… Just… Let me stay like this…” She mumbled. Her voice was shaky and for a moment Bill desperately wanted to know what happened… But he pushed his questions aside and instead held her closer as she told the others she was fine. Yet Bill had this feeling that not everything was alright…. But he would bring it up another day.

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