Eddie Kaspbrak: Loser

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Pain. That was what fate used to tie two soul’s together in an everlasting bond. Wasn’t fate a bitch? (Y/n) couldn’t complain though. Her soulmate hardly caused her pain. On occasion a bruise would appear or a scratch, but she never went through any extreme pain. Except for one day.

It was a Tuesday afternoon and (Y/n) was curled into her mother’s side. The T.V. was droning on as she drifted in and out of consciousness. The young girl hadn’t been feeling well the whole day. She felt sickly as if she downed a whole bucket of the theater’s stale popcorn. For an odd reason she thought that perhaps her soulmate was in trouble. She often remembered her grandmother telling her that sometimes Soulmates shared more than pain. However, her mother often scolded her grandmother claiming that it wasn’t proven facts.

So (Y/n) brushed the feeling off deciding she brought ate something bad the day before. So she was once again drifting in and out of consciousness when a sudden pain erupted in her spine. She whimpered slightly curling into her mother’s side more as the pain grew.

Her mother frowned glancing down at the girl cautiously. “(Y/n) what’s wrong?” She asked. Never had her daughter reacted this way before, so the woman was caught slightly of guard.

“Mom I-I think-” (Y/n) cried out in pain practically curling into a ball. Her right arm felt like it was burning and every movement sent flashes of white through (Y/n)’s vision. “I-injured,” She managed to choke out as her vision blurred with tears.

Almost instantly (Y/n)’s mother was up and in front of her young daughter. (Y/n)’s tears were splashing on the sofa as she kept her arm close to her chest. “Let me see it,” Her mother said firmly. So the young girl reluctantly sat up wincing as more pain shot through her back. Her tears fell faster as she held her arm out. It was completely limp. It was practically dangling and now all (Y/n) felt was a certain numbness. Perhaps it was shock.

“Oh God,” Her mother mumbled. Her eyes were locked on her daughter’s arm. “Honey! Get down here we have to go!”


The cast was itchy. It dug into her skin and teased her with the fact that she couldn’t even fix it. (Y/n) was not a fan at all and she wondered for a moment how her soulmate was holding up. She huffed slightly reminding herself that it was their fault. What the hell were they doing anyways? She stuffed the question to the back of her head.

It was a bright day just a week later from the incident. (Y/n) was making her way down to the pharmacy because sadly she promised Greta that she would take over her shift at the pharmacy. She huffed slightly her eyes scanning the pharmacy for a moment. She was going to dread this, but a promise was a promise. 

The door opened and (Y/n) let out a slight cry of pain as she ran into someone. Her arm was throbbing slightly as she backed away slightly. A boy stood before her his eyes wide in surprise.

“Oh God I’m so sorry! Fuck I didn’t hurt you did I?” He asked. He had spoken so quickly it took (Y/n) a moment what the boy said. 

She smiled nervously and replied, “No I’m quite alright.” (Y/n) studied the boy for a moment. He was around her age it seemed and… (Y/n)’s gaze fell to his cast on the same exact arm as hers. In dark black sharpie the word ‘Loser’ was stretched across it. (Y/n) frowned slightly as her arm throbbed dully. “When did that happen?”

The boy frowned slightly before following her gaze. His face paled slightly and only for a brief moment. He quickly looked away letting out a nervous laugh. “Oh this? Uh Tuesday… Why do you-” His words died on his tongue as his eyes fell on her cast. His eyes met hers for a moment and she smiled sheepishly.

“Can I sign that cast of yours?” She asked. The boy only nodded seeming shocked by the events that were unfolding before him. (Y/n) searched through her purse, with difficulty, and pulled out a red sharpie. She gently took his arm and slowly started writing on his cast. Though this was extremely difficult considering one arm was still in a cast. “there,” She mumbled pulling away.

He glanced down at the cast as heat seemed to envelope his body. His cheeks were dusted red as he realized what she did. The ‘s’ in ‘Loser’ was covered with a giant red ‘v’ now and a small grin made it’s way on his face. “Hey thanks! I’m uh Eddie by the way.”

(Y/n) tried not to grin, but it seemed her conscious mind had other plans. She couldn’t stop grinning. “Well I’m (Y/n)… Anyways I would really love to chat Eddie, but I have to take over for a friend.” (Y/n) stepped past the boy, but abruptly stopped. “But I should be dine by three if you want to hang out.” With that she vanished into the pharmacy.

Eddie stood there for a moment surprised by the turn of events that day. he met his soulmate…. A large grin broke out across his face. Maybe He’d have to thank Bill. If he hadn’t went in that fucking house he might of never met his soulmate. After all… He was fragile according to his mother. Eddie turned away chuckling to himself. God his mom was going to hate this.

he didn’t care anymore though.

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