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This story is about a girl Sophia who lives in New york with her family consisting of her mother, her big brother Tyler and small sister Hannah. Although shes the most shy girl in Silver stands high, her genius mind and beautiful looks make her the most wanted too. Her motive in life is to create a better lifestyle for her family and a better future for herself. Thus marriage and love right now is not an option.

Daniel parker, a bad boy to most, a sexy hunk to others.. His a Canadian boy who moves to New york due to certain circumstances. An internet singing sensation. Every girl throws herself at him but Daniel being the playboy he is dumps them all in less than 5 hours.

When life throws Sophia and Daniel together to a point that they cannot stay without each other, or should i stay they cannot go a day without an argument arising between them.

Join Sophia in her crazy rollercoaster life to find out more..

A/N: Typical clichè kind of book but oh well its my first so hope you like it. Please vote and leave your comments in the comment section below.

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