5.Meeting Mr Rockstar again

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I would have stopped the fight but Kevin had annoyed me way too much. He did deserve a few punches. I was glad Zayk came to my rescue but i wondered why.

I watched as Zayk struck a blow to Kevins stomach and Kevin fell to the ground. He wiped blood off his lower lip and stood up. The school was empty and no one would come to stop the fight so i had to. Before i couod move forward Kevin punched Zayk on the jaw and i let out a shriek.

"So new boy thinks he can mess around with bad boy huh?!" Kevin spat in Zayk direction.

Zayk held his jaw. "Nah, not really. New boy just can't tolerate injustice to good girls." He winked at me and punched Kevin again. Before Kevin could strike again, i went and stood between both the boys.

"Stop it! Both of you!" I shouted.

"Move out Sophia!" Kevin barked.

"Listen Kevin, i have nothing to do with you right now so please excuse me." I said. My hand was on Zayks heavily breathing chest as i pushed him towards my car.

"Get in." I said to Zayk sternly and he gave me an amused look.

He got in the passenger seat and i watched as Kevin also got in this car and drove off. I sat on the driver seat, my hands gripping the steering wheel as tightly as possible.

"Control your anger, girl." Zayk said looking in my direction.

I turned to face him. "Thanks for helping me out Zayk." I said letting out a sigh. "So where do i have to drop you off?" I gave him a wide smile.

"Grinston street please. " he smiled back. My eyes fell wide at his words. Grinstons street was a few streets away from mine. I was shocked because finding a house in that street was only a filthy rich person's game. I didn't bother asking him much about it and hit the accelerator.


"The large black gate there." Zayk pointed. I drove to the gate and stopped to hoot. Before i could do that Zayk looked into a little screen that stood just next to the car on his side.

The screen looked like a face recognition object and just as Zayk looked into it, the gates opened. A sense of nervousness hit me as i drove inside.

"You're not going to come in?" Zayk questioned as he got out of the car.

"Maybe some other time."

"Come on Soph." He gave me a welcoming smile.

Zayk handed some keys to the man who stood by the grage door." Get my car from school please, Mr Roberts." He pleaded as the man hurriedly accepted and rushed away.

I eyed him suspiciously and he laughed. "what!? Who would ever refuse a ride with a pretty yound lady?" He smirked and i removed my tongue at him.

I examined the large mansion he had. The large glassy white house was eye catching. Its exterior garden was sculpted with shiny white stones and a large fountain in the center. Looking up at the house, i noticed three balconies with a large outdoor pool mimicked just a few inches before the balcony railings. A glass pathway with water and different coloured fish inside led to the main glass door.

"Uhm!" Zayk coughed bringing my attention back to him.

"Let's go in, Shall we?" He drew his arm in a triangular shape and i slid mine into it. "Like a gentleman" he mumbled to himself and i chuckled.

The interior was even more elegant. There was a staircase leading to the top just close to the entrance. We walked in the main hall and there was a large sitting area located down in the center. A small staircase led to the sitting area where Zayk led me and i sat down.

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