Crazy quiz days. Part 2

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"A huge round of applause for the two boys!!" I heard the commentator shout and the crowd roared to life. I was currently behind the curtain with Daniel who gave me a soothing smile.

"Now let's welcome the two schools that made it to the finals! First offff.... Ridesters Basic school people!" He shouted and the Ridesters side of the crowd cheered as the members went to the stage. My heart started racing again.

"Next up... Silver Stands high!!!" He shouted again and Daniel gave me a reassuring nod. I let go of his hand and walked through the curtain with Emily.

I took a seat on our side and scanned the crowd. Thousands of faces looking at us. Emily gave me a calming smile and i drew my attention back to the commentator.

After the first round of questions, the ridesters were in the lead with five points. Two more rounds left and I'm out of this place. I could feel the heat radiating inside me. Like a reflex my eyes moved to the crowd in search of a single human. There he was, leaning on the doorframe, his leg face towards the frame, supporting his perfectly chiseled body. My orbs drifted to his face and i saw he was already looking at me. I noticed the smirk on his face and my cheeks turned a flush of pink as i looked away.

We sat for the next round and the commentator started flooding the teams with questions.

"Next up the chemistry part so please pick a member from your team to represent you for this round." A man from the judges sitting square spoke in the mike and we shuffled to pick a representative.

"Let Em do it! She's the best in Chem!" Cheered Tassy from behind the curtain and all my team members nodded at her idea except Ryan.

"Guys i think let Ryan do it." I suggested.

Ryan was also a part of the smarts squad. Perfect definition of a nerd. He had braces covering all his teeth and blue nerdy glasses over his eyes. His brown hair was perfectly combed to the back. His eyes grew wide to my suggestion and he chocked on the water he had been drinking every ten minutes of the quiz.

All eyes turned towards him and he shook his head denying. "I guess it's Em then?" Tassy asked again with wide grin and i rolled my eyes at her. Everyone agreed and we went back to our seats.

"So can we know your representative please?" The man from the square asked the Ridesters.

"Zoey will do it." One of the ridester replied and a fairly complexioned girl with black hair and a touch of blue streaks stood up and walked forward.

"And from Silver stands?" He looked to our side.

I knew what i was going to do would hurt a few people but it was worth the shot.

"Ryan will do it." I said and again Ryan choked on the water he was sipping. Everyone turned their eyes at me and i simply nodded in assurance. I could see Emily shoot daggers at me from the corner of my eye but i simply ignored. Now let me tell you. If you thought Emily was a sweet girl, she's not. She is a like a sweet monster. Someone who will be good with you if she wants to and mean if she wants to.

Ryan slowly walked to the front and stood next to the girl named Zoey. The quiz started once again and tonnes of questions and answers were fired and at the end of the second round, there was a tie between both teams. The final round was going to decide the winner.

"Now for the final round we will choose Biology as the subject, please choose your representatives."

Biology. This was my cue. My favourite Subject. I am known to the whole school because of my undieing love for Biology. But.... Being the spotlight infront of the whole crowd wasn't goin to happen. I just couldn't muster the courage to do it. Facing the crowd as a team was one thing but alone? Not my thing.

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