3.Low graded rock concerts

42 11 2

I reached home quite late due to the traffic congestion. My red porsche was parked in the garage and here i was outside my house debating on what to say when i get it.

Say you went to meet Ethan at the hospital. No everyone will panic on why he was in hospital. Say the road was full of traffic. Who am i kidding? New york is traffic free all the time.

I finally made up my mind on choosing the option i always chose. As soon as i turned the door knob and walked him, Tyler shot me with his usual questions. "Where were you Soph? Do you not know how worried mom is?! Did you spend the day with a guy?! Which bastard is it? Coz if he breaks your heart, i swear- "

"Tyyyy! Chill out okay? I'm home and I'm safe so quit the 1000 questions cause if you don't, you'll find my tactics in the next episode of a 1000 ways to die. I was at one of my school friend urm Sarah's house studying for the quiz on Saturday." I could tell my reply did not satisfy him enough.

"Oh yeah? Is that why you had to take 2 seconds to remember which friends house you went to!?" He shot back.

"Ughhh, fine I'll tell you but don't tell anyone else okay?"

"Yeah Yeah, spill" when i was done telling him about Ethan, Tyler gave me a sympathetic look and asked "Is he okay now?"

"Yeah, he's going to be out of hospital tomorrow and i need to rest so see you at dinner Ty " He nodded and i walked up to my mom's room to assure her i was fine. I talked to her for the next few minutes and walked to my room.

Hannah was on her bed playing some games on the laptop. "Sup Hannah Montana?!" i squeeled and sat next to her on the bed.

Hannah was 5 years younger than me making her 14 years old. She didn't reply to my question and i knew she was upset with me.

"Look Han, i know you're upset with me cause i promised to take you out for ice cream but couldn't and i swear i have a valid reason which i promise I'll tell you about later and I'm sorry " My sad voice made her turn off the laptop and face me. She held both my hands in hers and her next words shocked the life out of me.

"I'm not upset about that, its just that I'm carrying a baby in my womb and i just dont know what to do. My life is a mess Soph"

I was left speechless and i pulled my hand away from her grip. "What the fuck Han!" I shouted. She shot me an evil look and started laughing. I understood her silly joke but my mind was still fuming over what she had just said.

"Dont you dare do that again!" I snapped. Her laughter increased and i just stood up and went to my walk in closet to grab something comfortable to wear. After a long shower, i walked out of the bathroom and my feet could not move anymore. My body fell on the bed and i let sleep overpower me.


I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping on the balcony early morning. Realization hit me when i noticed i had slept throughout and missed dinner. School was after three hours so i decided to get dressed and go meet Ethan.

After changing into plain black jeans and a Red ferrari shirt, i grabbed the keys to my porsche and drove off.

My car rides were usually topped up with blast music. I sang along to Despacito though i didn't know any spanish lyrics.


"Now let's get going, love" i told Ethan after the doctor had dismissed him. I had to ask him about his uncle but decided not to since he had just come out of hospital.

"You know, i have an idea" Ethan Said as soon as we got in my car. "And what must that be?" The engine roared to life and i started driving.

"There's a concert tonight by this singer who recently shifted here, lets attend it since I'm okay now. Call Taliya aswell."

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