Chapter Eight

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Logan's phone rang, and he picked it up. "Hello."

"What's up?" Virgil asked on the other end.

"I'm just grading quizzes." Logan said.

"Has anyone failed yet?" Virgil asked.

"No. They actually did really good on this quiz." Logan said.

"That's no fun." Virgil sighed.

"You would be an interesting teacher." Logan commented.

"Good thing I'm not." Virgil said. "I can't see myself as a teacher honestly. It's too boring to grade tests all day, and I would not enjoy being cooped up in a room with several kids all day. I don't know how you and Patton do it."

"Kids aren't that bad." Logan said.

"I never said they were bad... Just annoying." Virgil corrected.

"I see." Logan said.

"Out of curiosity, do your students know you're gay?" Virgil asked.

"My fourth period does. Yesterday this group of boys called me gay, thinking I couldn't hear them, and I replied, 'I'm actually not sure about that. Hold on, let me ask my husband.'" Logan said casually.

Virgil burst into laughter on the other end. "Oh my god, Logan. I am so proud to call you my best friend right now."

"Thanks." Logan smirked. "Anyways, how's the new roommate? He's been your roommate for a couple weeks now, hasn't he?"

"Yup. He's... You know, he's cool. He's an idiot, but I never said that was a bad thing. He's actually pretty talented, but don't tell him I said that. One time he wanted me to play my ukulele for him, and I did, and we sang a La La Land duet together. He loves acting. He has this audition that he's gonna try for, and I helped him prepare. Oh, and he's Disney obsessed like you wouldn't believe. Last Friday we watched Mulan together and he sang along to all the songs, and did hand motions and everything."

"He sounds special." Logan laughed.

"You could say that." Virgil said. "Oh, and one more thing, he likes Shakespeare."

"I respect that." Logan said.

"Glad to know he has your seal of approval." Virgil joked.

"What's his name again?" Logan asked.

"Roman." Virgil answered.

"Huh. Ironic." Logan said.

"Why?" Virgil asked.

"Because Virgil is the name of a Roman poet." Logan smirked.

"You and your history knowledge." Virgil said. "I actually think you've told me about my poet namesake before, but now it just fits even more cause I have a roommate named Roman."

"Exactly." Logan smirked.

Then he thought of something that he had been meaning to ask Virgil.

"Oh, by the way... Patton said he asked you about your family." Logan said.

"He did." Virgil said, his voice void of emotion.

"Did you tell him?" Logan asked.

"No." Virgil replied matter-of-factly.

"I respect your decision, but can I ask why?" Logan asked calmly.

"Because... I dunno, Logan. It's not him, personally, it's just... I didn't really want to go into it. It's better off a thing of the past." Virgil said.

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