Chapter 3- A Kwami swap

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Marinette POV
I can't believe Adrien just teased me. And did I catch him staring at me?
I walked over to the trapdoor that lead to my room and pulled it down. A ladder fell right away and I saw that Alya had found Nino and was dragging him to the ladder. Adrien was behind me as I climb the ladder and reach my room. I scan the room quickly, eyeing the place. Everything is where it should be, except all the posters of Adrien. There was one catch, his picture frame was still on my desk, and if he saw it, my life would be over! We would never get married, have kids names Louis, Emma, and Hugo, along with two hamsters! I quickly ran towards it as Adrien was climbing up, flicking the picture into the box of my Adrien things. I noticed a Chat Noir poster on the wall. I don't think that was there before. Maybe Alya put it up? It doesn't matter. Chat Noir is still my partner, so I should leave it up in tribute to him. My diary was just sitting on the counter, but after what happened with Chloe and Sabrina, I don't think my friends will ever go near it.
"I see you have that new Chat Noir poster!" Adrien squealed in excitement, and I have no idea why he did that. He sounds like me when I swoon over him. Geez, I would look ridiculous. But when Adrien does it, it's beautiful and so cute!!
"Oh yeah, I er-don't remember getting it, though," I quickly chuckle, freaking myself out even more.
"You two are crazy kids. We should play a game now," Alya sits down on my bed, yanking Nino beside her.
"Oh yeah, totally. Alya's right. We have to stick to the schege." Nino's slang throws me off. I see Adrien flinch a little. That's weird, I remember Adrien's weekends to be filled with photo shoots and fashion shows or lessons. I wonder how his father let him hang out with us for a long time.
"What are we playing?" Adrien asked suddenly, ripping me from my thoughts.
"Truth or dare." She calmly pulls out her phone and checks the news.
"Okay, who's going first?" I ask.
"We can spin this bottle. And whoever the pointy end lands on, is our victim. The person on the other end gets to ask." I sit at an end and wait for Adrien, Alya, and Nino to sit. Alya puts Nino and Adrien in specific spots.
"Ready? I'm spinning." We watch as the bottle goes around the whole way and stops on Adrien. The wider end is facing Nino.
"Aw cool dude! Truth or dare?" He takes a while to think, running his fingers through his soft, bouncy locks of hair.
"Dare." Nino and Alya exchange a knowing look. I know they are going to have him do something rash! Alya, why?
"Ok, my dare for you is to do your best Ladybug impression for this round. A round is after everyone has taken a turn in playing the victim. So just stay in character," Nino gives Alya a high five. I know that they are working together. It just makes me feel a lot more anxious as well!
"That's easy. Hi, I'm the miraculous ladybug and I like swinging my yo-yo around town. Chat-noir, stop flirting with me, you'll make me blush!" I laughed at how outrageous his impression is. He looks a little surprised. I probably have him the impression that I am a sweet girl who doesn't laugh at people very much, but his impression made me laugh so hard!
"Dude, no." Nino shakes his head.
"I think that was funny. I'm pretty sure Marinette liked it the most, right Marinette?" I nodded my head. Adrien spins the bottle and it lands on me.
Alya is sitting on the other end.
"Truth or dare, Marinette???" Alya innocently states at me with a gleam of evil in her eyes.
"Truth!" Why did I say that? What if I reveal my identity, oh no, that's horrible! Alya thought for a moment.
"Where were you today morning during the akuma attack? I know very well that Mrs.Chamack lives in 123 West Avenue and not 123 East Avenue," I can't tell her that I'm ladybug! She will freak out.
"Oh-I was actually rushing home to get the list and grab some materials needed to create the Chat-Noir fashion line." I'm actually very excited for that project. I can't wait to surprise him.
Adrien is a fanboy for Ladybug and Chat Noir so he's pretty excited. I like that he doesn't think Ladybug is the only real superhero. Chat Noir is too.
"I wanted to rush out when he wasn't looking, you know? I needed to do that during the akuma attack." I see Adrien's blank look, and it gives me chills. It's as if he knows something. He better not figure out that I'm Paris' own spotted lady in black and red and also a hero. Nino is bringing him back to life.
"Adrien? Dude? I lost you for a sec." He shook him out of it.
"I'm sorry, I just have to...think,"
"Good Ladybug impression, Adrien," Alya interjects. He looks like he has no idea what he's doing.
"Oh, thanks."
I spin the bottle this time, and it lands on Alya.
"Truth or dare?" She squints her eyes at me for a second and readjusts her glasses.
"Dare," she finally answers.
"I dare you to kiss Nino on the cheek," I say, pointing to my own cheek.
"Okay," she just a shrugs and gives Nino a small kiss. Nino's face glows red and his cool expression is replaced with one of confusion. Alya stays level-headed. I see Adrien's inner fanboy come out.
"Eeeeek!" I hear a noise that I've never heard the perfect boy make.
"Wha-huh? Alya you went through with it?!" We all laugh at the boy's absence of mind. Nino spins the bottle and it lands on him. The asker is Adrien.
"Truth or dare, broooo?" Adrien's attempt at doing a Nino impression makes me and Alya cringe.
"Don't ever do that again, Dude. And most of all...TRUTH," Adrien chuckles and rubs his hands together. I've never seen this side of him. It's so...savage.
"What do you really think of Alya? Tell us everything you like about her," I then get the understanding that Adrien is a NINO X ALYA shipper too! I need to talk to him more (normally) often.
"Everything," I reply. Adrien gives me a grin that makes my heart melt.
"All of the details," Adrien smiles.
"Fine! Geez dudes, get outta my case and chill out! I like Alya, okay?" he looks over to the said girl as well. Alya has a very serious look on her face. She's listening intently.
"You like me? How?" She asks softly.
"I've had a crush on you ever since we got locked in that cage together," Nino smiles at her. I signal for Adrien to follow me because the conversation has gotten too personal. He nods his head and follows me. I get under the bed and listen to their words, along with the boy that I like, correction-love hiding with me.
"Y-you have?" Alya looks shocked. They didn't even notice us leaving.
"Yes, and you know how Ladybug's luck rubs off on people. She would make a really good matchmaker, ya know?" Nino changes the subject.
"Nino, the truth is... I've liked you since that day too, and now here we are, in Marinette's room confessing to each other over a stupid game, it's crazy, isn't it?" Alya's confession moves me. I am now bawling under the bed, softly sobbing with my blond crush patting me on the back and softly crying with me as well. They hug, and then after a good 2 minutes, they kiss slowly. On the lips. And then Adrien coughs loudly.
"You two can come out of there, we know you left! And now we're going to give you payback." Adrien and I sheepishly roll out from underneath. I hold his arm for support and then he pulls me up.
"Adrien, Truth or dare?" Nino asks without spinning the bottle.
"Dare," I see Alya whisper something in his ear and their faces light up.
"I dare you to tell Marinette your biggest secret," Nino doesn't add a "dude" to the end of his phrase, so I know that he is serious. I also don't know how I got dragged into this mess.
Adrien takes a deep breath, and then says: "Marinette, my biggest secret is that I'm in love with Ladybug,"
Adrien POV
I find the mansion as empty as ever when I return. It's late at night, and there are no lights. All the employees have disappeared and I'm starting to wonder if it's the work of an akuma. Father never sends employees home at once, he usually makes them take shifts even on the weekends, so I don't know what's going on. I open the gates and no one comes running out to 'worry' about me. Maybe it is an akuma, maybe it is actually Hawkmoth. Whatever the reason is, I know my father has abondoned me. He abandoned me the moment mother went missing.
I step inside, and the door is unlocked. I lock it, thinking someone left it open on accident. The house looks creepy at night with no lights on, so I switch on the main lights with a big switch.
The house immediately lights up.
"At least I figured that out," I mumble to myself. I step into the bedroom after climbing endless flight of stairs, to the bathroom and I toss my clothes to the side. Before doing that, I let Plagg go outside. I think of what happened at Marinette's house.
"Marinette, my biggest secret is that I'm in love with Ladybug," I wait for her to give me a bright smile or a "I hope you get the lady," or some sort of response, but she just sits there, shocked. Alya and Nino face palm at the same time, before going to either side of Marinette and giving her a tight hug. I felt more distanced from the group than ever had. In that moment, I knew that I had said the wrong thing. I tried to speak, but no words would come. The only thing I heard Marinette say was,
"Of course your in love with her," the expression on her face was so sad, that I felt like hugging her and telling her it'll get better. She looked like me when I heard about my mom. I felt really bad. Why was she reacting this way? I didn't slap her but mentally, she looked exhausted.
"I'll be fine, let me use the restroom." She grabs her diary off the table before heading to the bathroom.
"That was your biggest secret? Are you sure?" Alya asks, disappointed.
"Yes, but it's not some fanboy crush. I know Ladybug, and I think she is the perfect girl. She may have her flaws, but that's what makes m'lad-her human. The girl hiding under that mask is the only one for me," they both look a little disgusted and Nino says,
"Dude, she's a superhero and you're a civilian. You know it'll never work out. Ladybug is off the charts. She's not even an option. She keeps you safe because it's her thing. Stop acting like you know her personally. I think it's disrespectful to say you know her when all she is, is a mere reflection of the girl underneath," Nino's words could have not been more correct, except for the fact that I'm secretly Char Noir and I do personally know her as ladybug but, he's right about one thing: I don't know who she is under the mask. And I certainly don't know what she's doing right now. My friends don't know that I'm a superhero, so I can't say anything. I was tempted to transform and recite my speech as Chat Noir, but that would make me, Adrien Agreste, a target.
"You're absolutely right," I say. Marinette comes back.
"Sorry to cut time short, but I think I need some alone time," we nod at her statement and Alya along with Nino give her hugs. She smiles, sadly.
"Hey girl, get a good night's rest," Alya whispers softly.
"Thanks for having me over, Marinette," Nino smiles.
"Bye Marinette, I'll see you at school," I say my goodbye before giving her a bone-crushing hug. She doesn't expect it, but I whisper to her,
"Thank you for being my first friend. You're amazing, you know that, right?" I feel small tears trickle down my back, but that was okay because she needs a good cry.
"Thank you, Adrien," I release from the hug, my face just inches a part from hers, and my cheeks glowed red in sync with hers. My heart was beating fast, and I felt the urge to lean forward and kiss her. It just felt right. So I did. I gave her a small fragile kiss, so soft that I was afraid she might break if I did it any harder. She was like glass at the moment, and I was her protector. Yes, I swear I will protect this girl with my life as Adrien and Chat Noir. She pulled away suddenly, and the realization hit her. She put her hands on her lips and stared at me, wondering what I did.
"You should leave now," she bluntly states, and I hurry out. I don't look back, wondering why I did that and how it happened. I bought some sweets and called a taxi.

I don't think I should've rushed out, but it's killing me. I wanted to stay there with her, and hold her in my arms just repeating "it'll be okay." I never want to see anyone suffer like I did, but Marinette makes me feel so different. She cares so much and I have to admit, I am a smitten kitten with a hopeless crush on Marinette. I slowly forget more and more about ladybug as I think about Marinette. I think she's my new lady. Better yet, my princess.
I switch off the tap and the water stops. I get my towel and I wrap it around my head and my body. I step outside and plop down on the computer chair.
"Oh Plagg, what do I do? I think I'm in love with Marinette, too," I groan and wait for him to beg for more cheese.
"Actually, I'm not Plagg," I get greeted by a red colored big with antennas and black spots.
"What?! Wh- What are you?" I scrunch up in my computer chair, grabbing my towels for comfort.
"I'm Tikki, Ladybug's Kwami,"

A Miraculous Development (Adrienette, Ladynoir, Marichat, and Ladrien)Where stories live. Discover now