Chapter 12- Catch that moth!

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Adrien POV
I open one eye. Then the other. I groan as I struggle to sit up.
"No, please lie down Mr. Agreste," I want to correct the woman and tell her to call me by my first name, but I'm very drained so I don't move.
"I know it hurts, but your injuries have healed faster in two days than any other patients. They weren't too major, just a little...difficult to fix. I sit up, careful as I move. I lift the blanket to see that my abdomen is in bandages but the rest of my body is fine.
"Your wounds all healed miraculously quickly. Your blood started pooling out but we found no openings. It's as if you never were hurt," I look closely at the wrappings around my chest.
"Can I...?" She nods and says, "I will check back in a bit, okay?" She walks out the room as I proceed to rip the strips of my midsection. I see there is a scar in the shape of a pentagram etched into my skin. Oh no. I start scratching it, until it comes off. I realize it's just a play tattoo and curse whoever did this. My skin has a huge bruise, the size of the tie I would wear to my father's parties. I think back to what happened. Marinette is Ladybug, and I am Chat Noir. Chat Noir didn't help. He just lies there. Pathetic. I know I am. My father didn't even come to visit me. Plagg would want some cheese right about now. Plagg! I forgot about the Kwami. I was to busy being wheeled into an ambulance. I'm assuming he went with Marinette and is safe in her arms.
Marinette/Ladybug POV
"Plagg!" I scream as the house falls to the ground. Luckily, I'm safe because we all evacuated the scene and fled to to the park to avoid the danger.
"Tikki, I'm so stupid! I forgot to bring Plagg......" She looks around slowly before peeking out of the purse, unseen.
"You're not stupid, Marinette! I'm very sure Plagg heard your call. He can sense me, it's like a built-in tracker. He'll be here soon," I make sure my parents and Alya are safe, and then I take off saying I have to use the restroom.
"Tikki, spots on!" I jump out of the tree I was hiding behind and try to locate what caused the Earth to fall.
"Is that you, Exterminator/Mr. Agreste?" He jumps from beneath the ground. I shield myself from the dirt that flies around me.
"You are a powerful akuma," I snark.
"And you will soon be a powerless bug," he replies to me.
He attempts to grab my earrings but instead, I swing my yo-yo and latch it to a lamppost. The area is evacuated, and the only civilians are Alya and some kids from my school.
A staff appears and I see Plagg in his human form. We all duel with each other, me and Plagg against The Exterminator (a.k.a Gabriel Agreste). He gets hit, giving me the opportunity to grab his brooch and break it. I perform my purifying magic and then throw up my Lucky Charm, which was a baseball bat (Plagg hit him with it) and I yell, "Miraculous Ladybug!" Still no Chat. I give Plagg a high-five instead,
"Ladybug? What happened to me?" I look at the butterfly brooch. Plagg looks at me with wide eyes. I know what he's telling me.
"You've run out of luck, Hawkmoth," he looks at me and growls.
"Curse you! Give me your miraculous!"
"Your son is in the hospital. Do you not care for him?" His face changed a bit as he thought. The police force took no time sneaking up on him.
"I do, but, I can't....not yet," he looks distraught as Sabrina's dad takes him into custody saying, "You're under arrest, Agreste. You have the right to remain silent," he gives me one last look before being taken. The reporters take no time to swirl around, not realizing Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth. I grab the miraculous and shove it into the purse.
"Ladybug, what happened to Chat Noir? Is this your new partner?" A lady asks me.
"No, Chat's currently off duty due to serious injuries, so my friend is helping me instead!" I point to human Plagg and he waves, looking bored.
"So you're bringing a civilian to do the superheros' job?" I shook my head.
"Ah...I am an assassin who decides what he wants to do..when he wants to do it. My name is...Plagman," I shake my head. His words sound like Deadpool, but his name sounds like Bat man.
"Gotta run, Plagman," I grab him and we hide behind the rubble that is my house. I detransform. I open the bag for Tikki. "A nap and some cookies?! You too, Plagg." He notices the cheese and dives in, Kwamied up.
"Now, to the hospital,"
Adrien POV
"Adrien, honey! Your girlfriend is here!" Chloe kicks up her feet and I ring for the nurse Multiple times.
"Take her out..please," I cough.
"Come with me, young lady,"
"Do you know who I am? My Daddy's the–" is all I here when before the voices fade. I wonder how Marinette is. I hear a knock on the window.
"Ladybug?!" I open it, aching just a little.
"Mari! They didn't let you in?"
"No, that brat got here before I did, claiming to be your girlfriend so I couldn't come see you. I took a shortcut as Ladybug, my prince," I'm surprised by her flirting attempt.
"Milady, is it over? Did you defeat any-" I see the moth miraculous in her hands.
"Who is it....?" I softly breathe.
"Your father was Hawkmoth, Adrien,"

A Miraculous Development (Adrienette, Ladynoir, Marichat, and Ladrien)Where stories live. Discover now