Chapter 6- Plagg Can't Take It Anymore...

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Marinette POV
"Marinette! Wake up! We have a visitor!" My Maman calls from the trapdoor.
"Coming Maman." I trudge towards the bathroom before panicking.
"Ah! Tikki, what if it's Adrien? I can't face him after he tells me he's in love with Ladybug and then he kisses me!" I run out to her and she groggily speaks,
"Marinette, what if he knows who you are? You are ladybug, so it makes sense for him to do that," I panic even more.
"No! No, No!!!!!!"
"Marinette!" Tikki scolds me. "Get changed," I head to the bathroom and pick out some clothes. After getting dressed, I head downstairs.
"Who is it, Mama?" I ask her. I see a boy a little older than me sitting on the couch. He has black hair and green catlike eyes. He's wearing all black and he has small Cat ears?
"This is Vlad. He says he's a friend from school, isn't that lovely?" I growl through my teeth. I think I know who Vlad is.
"Let's go, Vlad." I pull him upstairs and close the trapdoor.
"Tikki, come out." I signal her.
"Plagg! Why are you in that form? We discussed it!" She looks mad.
"I can explain. Stuff with A..certain cat is annoying the heck outta me! I gotta breathe Tikki, I can't take it anymore," he slowly sobs.
"Aww, just transform back into a Kwami," she tells him.
"I can't. Marinette's mom has seen me so I'm keeping it," Tikki sighs.
"Very well, I'll help myself,"
"Tikki, What are you doing?" I ask as she incants something and glows. She becomes a girl about the same age as Plagg, with red hair, blue eyes and antennas? Her dress is also red, and she looks so cute!
"Oh great, two of you!" I sarcastically smile.
"It's okay Plagg, we can discuss it at school," Tikki says, making me nervous.
"No way! You two are NOT going to my school," Tikki frowns.
"Aw, but I really wanna go! I haven't been there in centuries!" She begs, as Plagg munches on cheese that he took from downstairs.
"Fine, your name can be Rikki!" I smile and let them talk.
"Talk on the balcony, I need to call Alya," I walk towards my desk and I phone my friend. What am I going to do with Plagg and Tikki?
Adrien POV
"Plagg? Plagg, where are you? Plagg?" I see a note on the pillow next to me, it says "Gone to see Ladybug, won't be back in a while," I angrily stomp to the bathroom. After my shower, I head downstairs and no one is home, still. I go to the kitchen, and see no one is cooking. And so I get to work. I grab waffle mix and follow the instructions on the box. After that, I pour it onto the iron and wait. Out comes a beautiful waffle. I grab whipped cream and some syrup from the fridge and I dump it on. I realize how messy I am just as the doorbell rings. Oh well, it can't be important, right? I open the door.
"Hey dude! Whoa, what happened to you?" I smile sheepishly.
"Breakfast happened," I respond.
"Well that's great, eat up and come with me, Alya is planning the greatest event of the year!" I smile and invite him in. I scarf down the food and I wonder if this is how Plagg feels with cheese.
"You look like you've never had waffles before," Nino chuckles. "Wait, you haven't, have you?" I smirk.
"Nope, this is my first time making them and eating them," I sadly smile.
"Are your workers and dad still gone?" He asks me slowly.
"Yeah, they're nowhere to be seen and I feel so alone," I frown, now. Realizing I was abandoned by my father.
"Don't worry dude, you have me, Alya, and...Marinette. We're your family. Don't worry about the old man. All he does is make you work," I finished up the fluffy treat.
"He wasn't always like this. It's after mom went missing, he-" I started crying.
"It doesn't matter now, my mother is probably dead," Nino puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Let's go, bro." He pulls me out the door. I follow him and we arrive to the park.
"Alya! Hey, I brought him!" She waves at us, Marinette behind her. I haven't spoken to her as Adrien me since the kiss. She looked away from me, but smiled at Nino. That's right, I don't deserve her, or Ladybug for that matter.
"Hey Alya, Nino tells me you have an amazing plan?" I ask her.
"Oh yeah, it is the best," she explains what she plans for the Ladybug and Chat Noir festival.
"That's amazing!" She shakes her head.
"Marinette's the one who came up with the dress ideas," she tells me.
"Wow, that's amazing Marinette!" I look at the said girl and she blushes a little bit. I find myself blushing as well.
"Now what do we do?" I ask.
"Go home, of course!" I frown a little.
"Just kidding! You can stay to watch the one-legged race between Kim and Alix." I roll my eyes. Those two have crazy antiques.
"Adrien? What're you doing here?" I see the owner of the voice, and it is Nathalie. She looks weird without her normal suit on. She looks a little like my mom.
"Oh, Nathalie. Hello, I'm with my friends. Since you and the other workers disappeared from my house, I'm completely alone. Not to mention my father is missing." She worriedly looks at me.
"Well, you should've contacted me earlier. Your father told me that I can take the weekend off. I didn't think he'd tell everyone to go home, I'm sorry Adrien. Do you know where he is?" I shook my head.
"No, the last I heard from him was two days ago on his trip to Quebec," Nathalie looks a little mad. She grabs my arm.
"Come with me. We are going to have a little chat with him," I pull my arm away and give a cold look.
"No! I don't want to go back to that house. And I know he's not home," she shakes her head.
"Adrien, you should be at least a little worried, he's your father and he cares for you," I shake my head and back away.
"You can go back to him, but I want nothing to do with him anymore, I can't take it!" I angrily stumble.
"Whoa, dude you don't have to go back, no one's forcing you!" I finally lose my cool.
"No! Nino, you don't get it! He's going to force me to go back and be perfect like always, and I'll always be entranged from him! I give up, I tried to make it work, but without my mom, I just can't!" I cry and run. Plagg where are you?!
"Adrien, calm down! You'll get akumatised," Alya tells me.
"I don't care!" I see a black butterfly."No!" I run towards the school. Plagg? Plagg! I see a boy along with a girl running towards me.
"Plagg, Claws out!" I slowly say, hiding behind a bush.
I see the boy disappear and take a smaller form, he's Plagg?
I turn into Chat Noir, and I see the butterfly.
"Die, you rotten bug," I stomp on it.
"What was that?" I see sweet Marinette come up next to me.
"An akuma, I have never actually stepped on one before, but it worked out!" I flash my best Chat Noir smile, but she looks at me like I'm weird.
"What's wrong? You're hiding something!" She folds her arms.
"Am not! I gotta go! Bye, princess!" I wave at her and staff away.
I get to the Eiffel Tower and sit there, looking out at Paris.
"The view from here is always amazing, isn't it?" Ladybug appears behind me.
I don't respond. "Are you okay, Chaton? You're acting off." She smiles at me and traps me again.
"Ladybug... Do you sometimes wish you can be a superhero, forever?" I put my hand on my chin.
"Well, that depends. I'm so different from this part of me as a civilian. I'm a klutz, clumsy, ditzy, and sometimes very shy. Especially around the boy I like. The nerve of that- he kissed me without any warning! And I feel so stupid because-Urgh! Why am I telling you this? I might as well tell you my identity while I'm at it!" I suspiciously turn towards her. That story sounds familiar.
"The point is, if you ever need to vent or talk to someone, I'm here for you. As your partner and your friend," she puts her hand on mine.
"Thanks, my lady." I smile and stick to the tower.
"I'll be off then," she gets up and disappears into town.
I decide I'll stay Chat Noir for a bit and still attend school as Adrien. I need some things from home first.
I sneak in and grab a change of clothes, along with a credit card and about 500 euros in cash. I stuff it in my bag and run off into the night. I know exactly who I'm staying with.

A Miraculous Development (Adrienette, Ladynoir, Marichat, and Ladrien)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora