Chapter 11- The Death of Ladybug and Chat Noir

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Adrien/ Chat Noir POV
"Marinette, the akumas, they're..." She nods at me. I think, what is this room doing in my house? Has my father been harboring a fugitive? If this is where the pure akumas are kept then where are the dark ones, and why is there a large sinister looking window on the wall?
"This is bad....I need more cheese," Plagg gulps nervously.
"We need to transform. Tikki, do you have strength?" She nods.
"Ok then. Tikki, spots on!" I witness the young girl transform into my red and black dotted Ladybug girl.
"Plagg, Claws out," I know his answer and this time, oddly enough, he is quiet.
"Destroy them. Just kill them all," Ladybug's voice has a dark tone.
"M'lady, are you sure? They haven't done anything, they are pure butterflies of goodness and light.
"They haven't done anything yet, Chat. And more importantly they are evil if Hawkmoth can use them so much," she looks disturbed and very different.
"It's not their fault, my..." I realize she isn't the real Ladybug.
"What is Chaton? Cat got your tongue?" She takes out her yo-yo.
"No, but may I say, you do a very bad Ladybug impersonation," I add.
"Let's fight kitty, to the death,"
Marinette/Ladybug POV
"Tikki. Where are we?!" I look at my Kwami, and she is back in her original form. Except she is the same size as me. Or I'm the same size as her, I can't tell. All around us, I see white and it's empty except for two chairs and a huge tv screen. I see invisible walls and other places that look just like this one.
"This is Kwami central. All Kwamis get teleported here when their holders transform. Most holders think their Kwamis are the suits and it's simply not true. We sit here and watch the fight our holders are in. Right now, I see an imposter who somehow transformed without the miraculous, it's impossible unless the villain has taken your body as a host and it is trying to control you. There's only one way you're hear with me," she pauses. I look at her with worry. "Your soul followed me and that's why you're here," I raised my eyebrows.
"My soul?! So you're saying I'm fighting Adrien and my soul came with you?" I jumped up to my feet.
"We have to go help him! I need my body back," I stumble back into my chair.
"I don't feel so good..." Tikki worriedly put her hands on my shoulders.
"Your soul is becoming enstranged from your body. There's no telling when you won't be able to return. You have to fight the villain. Don't let her or him win," I nod and close my eyes. Deep breaths Marinette, you're Ladybug and you need to have courage and the strength to push forward.
I think of my old self. The memories I had with my friends in that body, no have, my family who I love very much, and how many times I patrolled with Adrien. I think of all the love from my life. I hear the grunts of Chat Noir as he dodges my attacks successfully. That is, until I hear a sickening and very loud crack. I open my eyes as my evil alias stands with one of her feet on his back, and Chat Noir is lying there on the ground, unmoving still. I see a pool of blood where he is lying. I can't. No. Adrien is not dead. No. Not. Never. Nope. I refuse to except it. His transformation releases and a tear-streaked Plagg is flying in circles around him. His blond hair is stained with blood. So. Much. Red. I snap out of my shocked state and teleport myself by forcing my soul into my body. Whatever or whoever did this, will pay. I cry and I use the Lucky Charm in the tube. It gives me defibrillators. I yell
"Clear!" As I tear his shirt open. I watch as his limp body violently jerks below me. I stop the tears. He's not dead yet. I call 112 on the communicator.
"Help! Adrien Agreste is on the brink of death! We're at the Agreste mansion!" I throw the yo-yo back. He starts to wake up.
"M-Marinette..." I shush him and hold his bloodied body near me.
"Shhhh, don't speak," Where's his father?!
"Ladybug?! What did you do to my son?!" I hear a deep voice.
"Mr. Agreste, he needs medical attention. I can't explain it right now but he's very seriously hurt." He sits down and lies over Adrien. His face shows no hint of emotion, but his words have hurt in them. I realize that Plagg is behind me, hiding so I hurry up and stuff him in my pigtail.
"Take him out of here," he says suddenly.
"But Mr-"
"Now!" I pick up the broken boy in my arms and I feel feather light. I feel something strange in my back. Wings. I'm flying. This would be the most amazing milestone in the life of Ladybug, if it wasn't for the fact that the love of my life is almost dead in my arms and I need time to recollect.
Is Gabriel Agreste Hawkmoth? Am I imagining things? When did I get possessed, and why are these new developments happening? I land quickly right outside as emergency vehicles crowd around the giant gates. Paramedics come my way with a stretcher. One of them pulls me aside to ask me questions.
"What happened to him?" I can't tell her about Kwamis or the fact that we were in Hawkmoth's lair, it's just not important right now.
"There was another villain. She was an imposter and posed as me. She got to him, and when he dropped his guard, she struck him. That's when I escaped from where she tied me up at and luckily, it was a few doors down from where he was. I reached the sight, and when I did, she vanished. Adrien was almost unconscious so he probably doesn't remember." I explain to, sounding confident enough to make her believe me.
"He'll be okay," she tells me. I look at the van he was carried into.
"His injuries seemed really deep. I used my lucky charm and I got defibrillators," I got a little more information about Adrien's status and then I get asked the question I dread talking about.
"Is Adrien's father in the house? Does he know what's going on?" I nod.
"He does. He told me to bring Adrien outside," I look towards the mansion and see a man with a crazy suit running towards us.
"I am the Exterminator! I will exterminate you, Ladybug, for killing my son!" The authorities gasp. I see people glaring and others run from the sight. Mr. Agreste? Now I know he's not Hawkmoth. How can he simply akumatise himself? That's unlikely. (A/N: we know how that turns out in season 2) "Give up the miraculous, Ladybug," he calmly asks me with an outstretched hand through the metal bars of the tall gates.
"How about no..." I leap into the air with my new wings spread. The people gasp in awe as they weren't very visible before. I suddenly realize Plagg is still hiding in my hair. I need to get him to safety. And I might need to recharge Tikki as well. I look around and fly towards my house.
"What will we do, Plagg?" He shrugs.
"I know what to do. Lucky Charm!" I call out unintentionally, meaning to use the tube.
"Oops," I groan as a dollhouse appears in my hands. "Looks like you can fit." I say, as Plagg settles into a tiny fake chair.
"I prefer my houses made out of Camembert," l laugh and tear my eyes away from the small Kwami, as the Exterminator runs through town, flicking his scarf at the air and putting people to sleep at doing so. I release my transformation as my earrings start to beep, and a very exhausted Tikki lands in my palms. I hope no one sees me as I did so. I give Tikki a cookie to munch on. I notice Plagg following us, keeping out of sight. I grab both of them and put them in my purse. I have to fight an akumatized father after I hurt (my body) his son(Chat or Adrien Agreste) and now, I'm on my own.
"I can help! I still can access my human form for 30 days straight even after defeating the evil concoctions,"
"Do it!" I yell as Tikki finishes her cookie completely.
"Tikki, spots on!" I notice the wings are still on my back. Plagg turns back into his human God form and I have to keep myself from drooling, again. He just looks so...pretty!
"KWAMI RESURRECTION: SWORD!" He holds the black item in his hands and I get ready to fight with my new wings. I quickly get to work as the army of sleepwalkers cones our way. That's new.
______________Fight skip...again
"Miraculous Ladybug!" I watch the object disappear.
"Poun-" I look aside to my missing partner. Adrien. My heart sinks. I smile weakly at human Plagg and my earrings start ringing. I forgot about my transformation time which is 6 minutes after using Lucky Charm. I have 3 dots left. I carry myself home and then land in my bedroom, tired. My trapdoor bursts open and I jump up, shocked.
"Mari! Where have you been, girl?! Your family and I were worried about you," Alya's head pokes through the door, and in a cartoon like manner, she pulls me down the ladder.
"Maman, papa. I'm sorry you were worried. Ladybug just dropped me off on the balcony," My parents look of worry changed to that one of joy.
"That Ladybug is a very sweet girl, isn't she?" My dad asks my mom.
"She is, she was kind enough to help our daughter!" I quickly came up with a story.
"Uh-well you see, I was running away from the danger in the library when I got seperated from Adrien, and then I started wandering into parts of town I didn't recognize. That was when realized I was lost. I tried to call you, but there were no bars. After a while, I saw people walking towards me strangely. They looked like they were sleeping. I tried asking for directions but I remember one girl grabbing me and then everything's a blur. I'm assuming it was the work of an akuma victim, but Ladybug noticed me lurking around like I didn't know where I was going, and she gave me a lift! She's also got these cool wings and-"
"We know. We saw her on tv, fighting bravely. It was weird that Chat Noir wasn't there, though," I shouldn't let them find out.
"A weird thing happened. This random guy appeared and started fighting along side ladybug, I was thinking he was a miraculous holder but his face was uncovered. After the fight, he took off. My phone is broken know how that goes," her expression looks sad.
"I actually have something for you. Courtesy of Ladybug," I give her the device and she turns on the undamaged screen.
"Cool! 100 percent," Alya hugs me.
"Aww Marinette!" I look at the tv to see the events. I see the headline reading: "AGRESTE HEIR IS SERIOUSLY INJURED" I feel tears rolling down again.
"Sweetie.." My mom and dad hug me. Alya stands there, unmoving. I calm myself down. I know that he didn't injure that much, just abrasions, hematoma, and some contusions. Hematoma is not a good thing. Aside from that, the blood loss isn't too severe.
"Wanna go see him?" I shake my head. I'm not ready. Not until I find Hawkmoth. He will pay.
The ground shakes suddenly, and we all look around the room.
"What's happening?!" Alya exclaims in panic. The floor starts to break beneath me. I open my purse to a sleeping Tikki. I have to go. I have to save them.

A Miraculous Development (Adrienette, Ladynoir, Marichat, and Ladrien)Where stories live. Discover now