Part 2

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I woke up next to Chance. He arm tightly wrapped against my waist and his head snuggled into the crook of my neck. I placed my hand over his and smiled.

"Good morning." I whispered to him causing him to stir in his sleep. He yawned and opened his eyes. He pulled me up so that I was on top of him. I leaned down and gave him a peck on the lips.

"It's too early," he groaned, pulling me down to his chest. I snuggled into his neck and breathed out. "It's almost noon, plus we have a lot to do today." He flipped us over and trapped me against the bed before kissing me. I kissed him back as he ran his fingers through my hair. He moved his hands down my back and held me at my waist. I bit his lip causing him to groan. He pulled back and looked at me.

"I hate it when you hit my lip, it drives me crazy." He whispered in my ear, sending small shivers down my back. I smirked as I pushed him off of me. I got up and stretched,

"I guess I should do it more, let's finish up unpacking." I said, causing him to groan in response.


"Finally!" He exclaimed as I placed the last piece of furniture down. We officially are done moving in. He laid on the couch and sighed. I rolled my eyes as I walked into the kitchen. I pulled out a water bottle and opened it before taking a sip. We only been doing this for 5 hours and honestly my entire body is tired.

"Hey babe!" Chance yelled. I walked into the living room and looked at him, "What?" I asked. He was on his phone, talking to someone.

"Vincent and Taylor want to come over." He said hanging up. I nodded and walked over to him, he laid up and patted his lap. I smiled at him before sitting on him. He laid his head against my chest.

"I don't wanna go to work tomorrow." He mumbled. I ran my hand through his soft hair. "You have to." I laughed. He looked up and frowned,

"But then I won't be able to see you..." I smiled at him before kissing his head. He pulled me closer to him and kissed my lips. I loved his kisses, they always make me feel warm and fuzzy.

Chance laid me on the couch and continued to kiss me. We been kissing a lot, but honestly I don't care. When you love someone, all you want to do it be around them and be able to touch them because you get that one feeling when you do. The feeling is addictive and it keeps drawing you in till you are consumed by it. I'm consumed by his touch, I'm in love with Chance Williams.

He lifted my shirt up and ran his hands down my bare back, causing little goose bumps to form. Before we took things further, the door bell rang. Chance groaned and glared at the door. Then I had a flash back.

Max glared at the door

My stomach rose with butterflies. I didn't know why I thought that when Chance did it. I shook my head at the ridiculous thought. I don't care about Max anymore, plus he's gone and out of my life now. He moved across the country to New York. He's probably sleeping with a bunch of models right now.

I felt my skin heat up. Chance got up and opened the door. I pulled my shirt down and sat up. Taylor and Vincent greeted Chance as they walked into the living room.

"You okay Sadie?" Vincent asked. I shook my head and nodded. I glanced over at Chance who gave me a confused look. I looked away. Taylor looked around the house in amazement.

"Wow, your house is stunning! I love your decor Sadie, it's gorgeous!" She gawked sitting down next to me and giving me a hug. I hugged her back.

"Thanks, it took my hours to figure out what to do....Chance wasn't much help." He raised his hands in defense before sitting next to Vincent. As I pulled back from hugging Taylor, I saw a big diamond shining on her ring finger.

"What the heck is that!" I screeched grabbing her hand. She blushed and smiled. "Well it was suppose to be a surprise for later, but Vincent proposed to me!" I looked at Vincent and smiled. Taylor was going to be my sister in law. We're going to be sisters!

"It's so beautiful. Vincent I didn't know you knew how to pick rings." Vincent rolled his eyes and chuckled,

"Chance helped me out. He's good at that stuff." I looked at Chance and raised my eyes brow. I didn't know he was into jewelry, he never wore any.

"What? I'm good at fashion too." He said, I shook my head and smiled. I guess I learn something new about him everyday. What can I say, that boy is full of surprises.

"So when's the wedding?" I asked looking back and the between the soon to be weds. She shrugged, "Sadie, we only just got engaged. I haven't really thought much about it. But I know that the wedding has to be in the spring...that's my favorite season." I looked at Vincent and he smiled at her.

"Let's just get married now. There's something called court." This caused us to glare at him. Every man knows that women love weddings. It's their special day to show off.

"Vincent, you're lucky that I love you." Taylor playfully snapped. Vincent rolled his eyes to her response. I'm so happy for them, they are such a cute couple and they treat each other so well. I'm glad my brother is settling down and is done with his player ways.

"So Chance, when are you going to 'pop' the question?" Vincent wiggles his eyebrow, nudging Chance. He blushed and looked down. I glared at Vincent, before throwing a pillow at him.

"Ouch. I was just asking!" He complained. He's such a baby, it was just a pillow.

Chance looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. Who cares about marriage? All that matters is that I love Chance and that he loves me. Period.

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