Part 6

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I looked up at Chance with a worry look. He shook his head before taking the phone from me. He said a few bad words before hanging up and throwing his phone at the couch. I looked down in silence. The man I saw at the store was Max and now I just heard his voice. The same voice that broke my heart five years ago. Chance sat down and ran his fingers through his hair. He was frustrated and upset. His ex best friend is back and trying to wedge his way back into his life. However, Max caused so much pain to Chance and he simp,y can't forgive Max so fast. He needs time, time to think and decide what is best.

He patted the seat next to me, signaling that I should sit by him. I walked over and sat down. I gulped and looked at Chance. He looked like he wanted to cry. His face was down and his eyes were turning red from holding in the tears. I touched his bicep and watched as his first tear ran down his cheek. I took my thumb and rubbed it off. He proceeded to take my hand and press it to his mouth. He gave it a peck before dropping it to his lap. He then looked at me. "You don't have any feelings for him, right?" I gave him a shock expression, wondering why he would ask a question like that. I shook my head and gulp.

"Why would you..."

"Because he was your first love, not me. I know you had a crush on me and whatever, but you didn't experience love until you fake dated Max." He interrupted. I shook my head again and looked up. I can't believe he would think that I would cheat on him with a man who could care less about my feelings. "I only love you Chance, don't think I will ever end up going for Max," I made him look at me before continuing, "you're the man I fell in love was always going to be you and only you. Max was just a memory, you're my reality." I breathed in, kissing his lips. He turned his head so I would stop. I frowned because he never refused a kiss from me. He shook his head before rubbing his face. "I know, Mae, I know you won't hurt me. It's him I'm worried about. He such a..."

"Shh. There's no Max in this picture of us. Let's stop talking about this. I don't care about hi, like I did five years ago. He left and I'm with you now. Just you and I, no Max." I interrupted. He gave me a small smirk before pulling me into his chest. I laid against his collarbone and brushed my hand against his neck, taking his scent in. He rubbed his hand against my back, with his chin against my head. Never in a million years would I ever go back to Max. He has hurt me so much and Chance had to fix my broken heart because of that boy. That boy who never knew his manners. That boy who stole the hearts of many girls. That boy who I fell in love with five years ago.

I looked up at Chance and moved so I was strangling his waist. He moved his hands to my waist and bit his lip. I took my thumb and brushed it against his lips. This boy in front of me drives me crazy. I then leaned down and kissed him. I kissed him with all the love and passion I stored up. I kissed him to show that I'm all his. I kissed him because I realized that I loved Chance more than anything. Chance was and always will be the love of my life and Max can never ruin that. Plus, Max is engaged, he should be busy with his new fiancé.

Chance kissed me back, grazing his tongue against my lips. I pulled back from all the heat that was occurring. I didn't want things to go too far. I looked at Chance and smiled. He smiled back and cupped my face. He leaned in and kissed me once again before laying us against the couch. He pulled back and ran his fingers in my hair. "I'm so lucky to have you." He breathed, running his hand against my cheek. I leaned into his touch. His touch was so addicting, something I never wanted to get away from. I felt so safe in his arms. I felt so alive.

"I'm the one who is lucky." I argued while he rolled his gorgeous eyes. I could lose all my thought with just a glance into his eyes. I took my hand and cupped his left cheek. He smiled down at me and I swear I knew what my future would look like. I knew right there that I wanted a family with him. Despite all the thoughts of Max I had. They don't matter anymore, it was all just a phase. Max doesn't matter. He doesn't matter and he never will. I retrieved my hand and sighed. "Maybe we were both lucky." He nodded and laid down so that I was now being spooned. He wrapped his arm around me and laid his head softly against mine.

"I guess we are..." He breathed. "Do you wanna hear something?" He asked. I nodded and closed my eyes. I love his stories, maybe because he such an interesting person.

"When we were both in high school, I would always get jealous when boys noticed how beautiful you were..." he started. "I never liked boys' eyes roaming your body as you pass them in hallways. I guess, you could say, I had a crush on you. I liked you more than just seeing you as my best friend sister. Your brother found out and he immediately told me to back off. I didn't want to, but Vincent was my best friend and losing him would have ruined me. So, being the good friend I am, I stayed away. I mean I found love afterwards, but I could never really get rid of the feelings I had for you, they always stayed." He ended. I looked up at him a smiled. It's nice to hear that my crush liked me back too and look at us now, we're together. It's more that just faith, it was destiny.

The doorbell rang, causing both of us to jump a little. I snickered at our reaction. Chance gave me a funny look before getting up and opening the door. He looked at the person for a good ten seconds before giving them a hard glare. "Hello, Chance. I hope I'm not ruining anything." The person breathed. Chance shook his head. "You're an idiot for coming here, Max. A real idiot."

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