Part 4

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"You don't get it, Shae." He shook his head as he turned away from me. I bit my lip before placing my hand on his shoulder. He turned his head and sighed. "I don't like you being with Chance. He isn't the one for you." He grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of him. I was utterly speechless, I had no idea what to say or think.

"You're getting married tomorrow, Max. We can't be more than friends." I spilled out, removing myself from him. He clenched his jaw before pushing us against the wall. His hands ran up my side as his placed his head on my forehead. "A man can wish." He whispered to me before capturing my lips with his.

My alarm rang in my ear causing me to jolt up. My body shivered at the dream I had. I shouldn't be thinking like this. Max is engaged and I'm with Chance. I love Chance and only Chance. He treats me well, Max broke my heart. I looked over at my side and saw that Chance had already left. However, a small note was on his pillow. I picked it up and read it,

Morning sunshine,

I hope you have a great day. Remember that I love you.


I love you. Three words hold so much power and I have no idea what to even think about it anymore. I thought I loved Chance. No Sadie, you still do. Chance is the man you love, forget about Max. He doesn't matter anymore. He's not the one. I nodded at my thoughts. Max is nothing but another memory.

I stood up and yawned while stretching my tired body. Today will be a good day. I just need to distract myself. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair. I then went into my closet and changed into shorts and a whit crop top. I'm not in the mood for makeup, so I just head down stairs to get something to eat before I go to the store.

I grabbed a banana and ate it quickly before grabbing my keys and heading to my car. I'm never really hungry in my morning, but I still don't wanna skip a meal. It isn't healthy and I would like to avoid passing out at the store. I unlocked my car and got in. I turned it on and made sure the AC was on because it was usually hot today. I backed out of the driveway and made my way to the store.

Now that I realized it, there's not much to do here. The town isn't every big, but then again it isn't small. We have some fun things to do, but it's mostly for the younger kids. Thinking about this makes me feel old. I remember when I was younger and going over to the park to stare at boys. I was such a boy crazy little girl back then. I never knew what trouble it would cause me later.

Soon enough, I was at the store's parking lot. I was able to find a good parking space and then I headed in. If I were smart, I would have brought a shopping list with everything I needed. However, this is me we are talking about so I completely forgot about making a list. Sighing, I grabbed a cart and made my way to the fruit aisle. I want to get some fruit to make a nice fruit basket. It's yummy and colorful. I picked up some bananas, apples, grapes, pears, plums, and I can't forget peaches. I love peaches, they have to be my favorite fruit.

I then headed down the snack aisle because I know how much of an eater Chance is. The food I'll be getting today won't last for more than a week. The man is a pig! Seriously, I think his stomach is just an endless hole that keeps going and going for years end. I have no idea how he keeps a nice body going, I would gain 50 pounds by eating all the stuff he consumes in a day. He's ridiculous, but I sure do love him. I decided on getting some Nature Valley granola bars, chips, and some pop tarts. Hopefully, this will last Chance's eating problem. After that I got some milk, bread, and eggs.

"What else do I need?" I asked myself. I didn't think that shopping would be this hard. Then again I didn't do the grocery shopping when I lived with my parents. Honestly, I have no idea how my mom was able to shop for fast. She literally is in and out of the store within seconds. Maybe it's because she made a list of the things she needed and isn't like me who is clearly forgetting what she needs for the house. Being an adult is hard. Why can't I be a teenager again? I missed only worrying about getting my homework done studying for a test. It's like my life just fasted in front of me.

Then I just remembered. I needed to get some chicken breast because I planned on making dinner tonight for Chance when he gets home. Well, I mean attempted. I don't think I'm the best cook and my skills have gone rusty over the past few years. I made my way over to the meat section and looked for the right chicken. Who knew that there was so many types of chicken you can get. There's chicken legs, chicken wings, even a full chicken. Man, they really do use the whole chicken. At least they aren't being wasteful like Chance. He's a very wasteful person. I saw the chicken I needed and went to grab it. Who knew that another hand was also grabbing it. Our hands touch and I immediately pulled back. My face went red, this was so embarrassing. I should have looked to see if someone else was going for it.

"Sorry, you can have it." I guess Chance won't be having chicken breast tonight since that was the last one. Too many people like chicken breast here. When I didn't get a reply from the person, I looked up and almost screamed.

It was him...

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