The second time you meet

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The second time you met Tamaki wasn't a very good one. He tripped and fell on the floor at your feet then he went and sulked in the corner. He seemed sort of . . . wussy. But the longer you knew him the more you liked him. Even if he pouts a lot.


The second time you spoke with Kyoya almost made you never want to see him again and the first one wasn't all that great. He was rude. Looking back on it you don't think it was intentional, but it still bugged you. The club was hosting a dance and you finally worked up the courage to ask him to dance with you. He very bluntly turned you down stating that he didn't like that particular dance and you weren't his type. A few months later you changed his mind, accidentally.


The second time you met Hikaru was a lot more awkward than the first. You poked your head into music room #3 and looked around. Dozens of girls filled the room. There were a few boys as well, but it was mostly girls. You pushed the door open and walked in. A tall boy with dark hair and glasses spotted you first. He asked you a few questions and then only thing you stuttered out was Hikaru's name. Glasses called him over and then you lost all ability to form coherent sentences. It was humiliating, but he still asked you to dinner so . . .


Your second impression of Kaoru was okay-ish. He wasn't really your type. He was too . . . boisterous and his relationship with his brother bothered you at first. But the longer you knew him the more you liked him. And after he saved your ass when you lost your homework he became one of your closest friends and then eventually more.


The second time you met Honey was great. He was sweet and adorable. You had accidentally dropped your phone without noticing. He ran up and tugged on your sleeve before handing you your phone. He proceeded to ask if you wanted to eat cake with him and of course you couldn't say no to that cute little face. Even if you had been talking regularly seeing him in person was better, plus there was cake.


Your second impression of Mori almost made you fall in love and you've never been completely sure why. Your were walking down the hall and as you turned the corner you walked into someone very solid. You fell backwards, but he caught your arm. He apologized and you didn't accept as he had done nothing wrong. Then you told each other your names. He remembered you from the kendo match. There was something about his voice that just got to you. You loved it and wanted to hear it again. The next day you did. And every day since then you've had the pleasure of hearing his voice.

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