c'est la vie

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back when things were simple
you were but a face in the crowd
a smear of paint in the corner
yet you were my focal point

we started with a spark
which ignited our passion
and when we were together
we were invincible

but as months ticked by
salty tears began to mingle
with glistening beads of sweat
exerted only to please you

while you brushed my affections
into a dustpan and buried it
leaving the grave unmarked
as if our love had never been

you told me to lock my heart and
give you the key for safekeeping
so we can share secrets
through our embrace

with your tongue pressed
to the roof of your mouth
suppressing the lies
leaking through your teeth

during our stolen kisses
and falsified wishes
a wonderland
without the wonder

you used a language of love
to excuse your lack thereof
as your poisoned lips said
c'est la vie.

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