Having A High

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I arrived at Adolfo's. It was dark and I felt a tinge of guilt for disturbing him and his family so late. As I shut my car door he ran out, hugged me, and helped me bring my bags in. Everyone was asleep and the lights were out. 

"You asked your mom right?"

"Yeah she said you could just sleep in my room."

"Okay cool. I'm sorry I woke you up..."

"Hey stop it's fine."

We dropped all my stuff on his bedroom floor and I got into one of his t-shirts since I didn't have pajamas with me,

We both climbed into his bed- I laid my head onto his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

We talked a few hours. I told him about my dad, Anthony, and everything in between. We eventually strayed away from the negative subjects and talked about our future and told each other jokes.

See? He's not a bad guy, not all the time. 

For the first time in weeks, despite everything going on, I felt like I might be alright. We finally fell into sleep still in each other's arms.

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