Morning Cuddles

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Anthony's gone and Adolfo is sprawled out on the couch. A note is stuck to the coffee table; "Haha very funny. -A/N" I smile. 

I go to the kitchen then place a variety of cereals, milk, bowls, and spoons on the table. I get a running start before leaping onto Adolfo on the couch.

"Hey what the hell?!"

I laugh. "Gooood morninggggg."

"Yeah, yeah. get off. You're an asshole for what you did last night."

"I know." I give him a cocky smile. He grabs my face and kisses me.

"I love you." he says, giving me the same smile back.

"I love you too." 

Still on top of him, I rest my head on his chest and we lie there awhile.

We both fall asleep again, still in that position.

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