Scientfic battle

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Himari was walking home from school when she bumped into someone and fell.
"Ouch! That hurts!" Himari said rubbing her hand on her head. She blinded for second but she her male voice " Are you okay?" In English. She stood up to see white hair boy with brown glasses red eyes and necklace cross t-shirt and jeans. Himari blushed studded " Y-y-Yes I—I-mmm Fine!" Himari was blushing very hard she felt like her heart was burning. He chuckled he said " I think that really cute for Japanese girl like you what name?" Himari said studded " Eh?! Eh?! M-m-m-my-my-my name is Himari Arisugawa! She was about to burn up like tea. He said with English accent " Well I think that a really cute name for an Japanese girl. Hi my name is Gilbert I'm transferring as a gym teacher at this school. He gave the card what school he was going to " Eh?! That's the school that I go to!" Himari said. " Well then I guess I see you at school! Bye" Gilbert said he waved goodbye.
At KiraKira Patisserie
Himari POV's
I got dressed in my work outfit started to cook but I never had this feeling before. My heart starting beat faster when I see his face I never had feelings for anyone. Well I did once but, he turn to be a jerk his name was Soru he was my first boyfriend but on Christmas Day I gave what I made handmade heart chocolate but, he crushed the with his foot said " You have to change" it's was very upsetting. I was heartbroken close my heart however I ever I became a Precure I was showed that I don't have to change who I am I can be me but, I have feelings too my heart feels like it wants to tell something to him. But, can I? I mean I never told anyone or my friends that I have autism but, the highly functioning one but, it seems that everyone was against me that's was until ichika came in to my life after that becoming a precure I have what I always wanted friends.
Third eye POV's
Hana came in the kitchen seeing Himari in trance like state still have all the ingredients to make custard she standing there in a daze. Hana came up and asked " What the manner? Are you okay?" She waved her hands at Himari. Himari snapped out the daze she shivered seeing Hana " Ah when did you get here?!" " Never mind I just thinking!" She tried to smile but, she couldn't. Hana said " You're lying! I can tell a lie from an mile away! Tell me!" Himari sighed and said " Fine!" She whispered to Hana " I have an crush with a guy but I need help getting that guy could you help me?" Himari said. Hana smiled " Yes! I'll help you! You need confession you need to show feelings first you need to find out what sweets he likes if he likes any sweets!
At school
Himari POV's
I went to fitness place to see Gilbert working out I came up to him " Excuse me! But, I have an question sansei....what your favorite sweet if you like any sweets?" I said. He looked at me he smiled " My favorite sweet hmmm I would have to say it would be coffee cake." I wrote down in my new notebook. " why did you ask me that?" Gilbert asked. I blushed and tease him " Oh nothing special! Just a surprise!" " I have surprise for you waiting the Kirakira Patisserie after closing time!" Gilbert smiled "well I cannot wait to see it, Himari." Gilbert said.
At the shop
Himari getting the things that she needed when suddenly a woman came up to her " You must be Himari hi my aural I'm chief science I saw you on tv with the recent show of your I'm interested I heard so many great things your an heroine. And a star how I want to be like you." " Hi my name Aural I'm just like you but I come from America I'm traveling here to see what Japan does for it science cooking." I saw you on tv last week it was rerun but, it fabulous! It such an honor to meet you!" Can I walk to you to where you work?"
Himari said " Sure!"
At the park
They both walking to where Himari goes to work but they had to take a detour because the road was close due to construction.
Aural said " You're so lucky living an normal life...... Not like me......." she sighed. " You know one day I hope that were on the same side and we can live in peace and prosperity. Not have to fight we're always in wars we're not focused to real issues like climate change or deforestation or how animals everyday going extinct list because of us animals in the seas that we'll never know are dying. The government is more busy with wars and the Precure then on the major things that are yelling at with speaker."
Himari nodded in agreement and said " Yes, I think the government should focus on more important things like climate change what it's doing to our ecosystem because of climate change that vanilla can't survive in the climates anymore that the price of vanilla has risen. But, my friends don't really know well except for Aoi...... I hate when ichika uses all the vanilla for the cakes that she bake the reason why that she ask us me and Aoi to get the vanilla because we the only rich ones that can effort then we comes to baking it always Ichika getting the credit and not the full team."
Aural said " You see, some people don't care they only care about their little lives how it effected them! Even villains agreed that Precure don't really care about their ideals or listen them. They should listen more them they care about the earth even they trying to rule it they still care about the major stuff but, the Precure as always overshadowed the villains the government blames everything to villains! You know villain have feelings too but, the government always blames the villains ones instead fixing their problems..... You know it all not black and white but, sometimes I feel they care more about their votes then the real issues that's why they blame always the villains for everything."
" You know I actually I agree on that....not be bias but to be a little fair the Precure is always on national news the villains are blame to much for things sometimes it wasn't even their fault to start with. But, sometimes yeah the villains do stuff that can destroy the world but, they always blame stuff that aren't even true I feel like the media has an hate for the villains and sometimes I feel bad for them." Himari said.
" I knew that some people have an heart you very good at politics and you have an heart it actually makes me wish that we could switch bodies but, you hate being me! Anyway, I had fun talking with you however I would like to do an test with you it test to see if you're good at science cooking! You wanna try?" Aural said.
Himari nodded in happily and said " Sure!"
They both teleported not know that Hana teleported with them.
Himari had spotlight on her there was tv. The tv went on " Our first test is what ingredients goes in coffee cake then second test will be an great cook off then the scientific battle of wisdom! First what ingredients goes in to coffee cake?"
Himari had to think about it " 2 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 cup white sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup butter 1 egg 3/4 cup milk, or as needed Horizon Organic, Whole Milk, Ultra Pasteurized, Half Gallon, 64 oz, 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 2/3 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon and ground cinnamon 1/4 cup butter."
Aural said " Well I'm impressed you got all the ingredients right now let's see if you cook it!"
Himari preheated oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). She Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan. Make the streusel topping: In a medium bowl, combine 1/4 cup flour, 2/3 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Himari cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Himari Set aside. In a large bowl, Himari combine 2 cups flour, 3/4 cup sugar, baking powder and salt. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Crack an egg into a measuring cup and then fill add milk to make 1 cup. Stir in vanilla. Pour into crumb mixture and mix just until moistened. Spread into prepared pan. Sprinkle top with streusel. Himari Bake in the preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes the pull it out and cool it down.
Aural said " Now the real scientific battle begins" She teleported Himari in the room now Cure Custard I would like to see that scientific battle come in our battle!" She transformation her outfit was way futuristic. She got her sword and smiled " I will defeat the yellow one!"
Himari said " Well I battle you! To save you!"
Aural said "No!"
Third eye POV's
Himari began her sequence begins with Himari's Sweets Pact opening up and her reflection is shown in the mirror. She is now wearing a yellow translucent dress and she then shouts "Cure La Mode・Decoration!" and the ties on her twin-tails disappear, and her hair becomes down. Her Animal Sweet appears and she then shouts "Pudding!" as she grabs it and inserts it into the pact. Then a small light pink beater-like pen appears, which she takes and presses the light pink stars, saying "wisdom" when pressing the first one and "courage" after pressing the second one. Beams of yellow and magenta-colored light respectively shine from the small bowl-like part of the pact after she presses them. She then shouts "Let's・La・Mix It All Up!" as she uses the stylus to mix the two lights together, which spin around and coalesce into a custard-like substance. Part of it becomes a giant pudding that Himari stands on top up as caramelized sugar swirls above her.

The pudding lifts her into the air and her hair becomes orange. She is wearing a yellow and light yellow dress with a dark orange choker. The brown part of the skirt then appears on top with yellow ribbons on the bodice and the back of her neck appearing next. Her hair is then styled into a ponytail on the left side. The custard covers Himari's arms, forming her gloves. Then, using more of the custard from the pen, her pudding-shaped hat appears followed by her earrings and the apple-shaped beads hanging from her choker. She then swirls more custard around, and her Animal Sweet appears, which helps her squirrel tail to appear and her boots to form. She then puts a couple more dollops of it on her head, making her ears appear. Her Sweets Pact falls into the pouch on her hip. After turning and doing a squirrel-like pose, Custard jumps off of the pudding and does a couple of flips before landing on another pudding and striking her finishing pose.
Cure Custard said "With Wisdom and Courage! Let's・La・Mix It All Up! Cure Custard! Is Ready To Serve!"
Cure Custard said jumping off using her attack " Custard illusion!"
Aural sliced it up and frowned " You don't understand do you! Why! Must you been chosen! Why not me!"
Cure Custard was confused " What do you mean?"
Aural said " The Kirakira Precure team goes back before this City was even built they originally were from France back during the good old days but, then war broke out people fighting for no cause the last Cure Whip died in horrific way the others had to watch it, in front of their own eyes. After her death that had escaped the country they regretted it. They wished to be reborned they died in horror ways then the miracle of the light came and ended the war. That's was Cure Lemiere she was great but, now we need her most. My name Aural Tokishikashi and I from an distant past that known as The was Great War not WW1 but, from 100 years one. I'm one in few who saw the witch be burned by the stake for idealism and her knowledgeable wisdom." She looked at Himari with hateful thoughts " Why do fight with that girl? She an hopeless case why? Well that why I want answered here I'll fight until you answered" Aural fly up in sky got her sword out and started to say something in spell in Japanese " Hikari no hi no hikari no kami watashi wa kono risu o kanwa suru tame ni anata o shōkan shita. Fire Dragon Flamer Bird!" She swoon her sword. The room started to heat up really fast everything was one fire. Hana came out she ran to Cure custard " We need get out here fast! I have an way but, you won't like it......" Hana grabbed Cure Custard hands and closed her eyes " Please! Lemiere! Teleported out here!"
Suddenly Hana had energy around and both them teleported without Aural.
They were back at the street it was getting dark out then Hana looked at her watch and said " You should probably" Hana gave coffee cake to Cure Custard then she said " You should go......."
Cure custard looked at Hana she faked smiled " Sure...." Himari ran off to Kirakira Patisserie. She detransformed on way there. The shop was closed Himari went in turn on the lights got in uniform and coffee and coffee cake. She saw her teacher came in he all surprised and said " Himari is that you? You made these for me? (in English)
Himari said " Yes I did I would like to say something to you.....I-I" Himari got very nervous then blushed and blurted out "I love you!" She got afraid and gave the coffee cake. Gilbert smiled and nicely " Thank you. Do you have an phone number?"
Himari said " Y-yes! She her phone out pocket and gave to him. Gilbert got his phone out dialed his number in her phone he dialed her number in his phone. Gilbert gave Himari's phone back he smiled " You're really cute I think that you're right one for me. He waved and took the coffee cake and coffee. Himari smiled happily and she waved him goodbye " Bye! I hoped to see again!" She said in English.

Next day
Aoi said " Man! I wish I could see the rockstar but, his tickets are so overpriced! Hey it almost Christmas Day where Ichika?"
Himari said " I don't know. But, let's turn on the tv and watch some cooking shows!" Himari turn on tv to see Japan news
News reporter said " And to the news story of famous rockstar Gilbert after visiting the our city he now going back to Germany for the holidays he was touring around the world mostly recently America he visited to Japan for a short stop around the country but, now he going back to Germany." Himari saw Gilbert on tv smiled and waved and said in Japanese " Bye Himari! Thank for coffee cake! I'll text you when I land in Germany!" Aoi screamed " Eeeeh?! H-Himari you did you meet him?"
Himari said " Yes? And I got his phone number.....Why?"
Aoi said " You just realized that was the famous rockstar! Wait you got his number?! No way! She fainted.
Himari said " Uh? Why? Wait..... Eh?! She realized that her teacher was the rockstar that Aoi loved and also admired she Aoi talked about one week before he came. She realized but she didn't care she smiled at Aoi.

??? said " We're failing well I think it time to destroy the Precure once for all or my name isn't Blackpop!"
Next time
Blackpop vs. Ichika team who is Hana?

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