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It was an normal day at Ichika's House it almost Christmas Day.
Ichika was decorating the tree while, her dad was shopping for gifts. "Hey Hana! Want to bake cookies with me?"
Hana was upstairs in the attic writing an letter to someone " Sure after I'm finished writing my letter!"
Ichika said " O-oh okay....." Ichika never wonder about Hana but with the recent attacks now she had worry about Hana all time but, she never understood why they attack Hana then she started wandering who is Hana? Of course she never understand but, it seems very suspicious that she had second cousin from England but her eyes it was different from her family she was a bit different from the her family. Ichika was done with decorating the tree, and went upstairs to the attic and knocked on Hana door. " Hana can I come in? It's me Ichika! I'm a little worried about you. She opened the door to see that she was writing an letter but, she saw a picture that was very unusual she went to picture and saw Hana with KiraKira Precure team but, much older about 23 years old she could recognize her three friends but Cure Macaron and Cure Chocolat but, they seem looked 27 years old the only question is where was her and Rio? She looked to see if there was her in picture but there wasn't " Hana where is Cure Whip?" Ichika asked. Hana looked and got scared " Eek! Um um um!" She ran off she got her bag and her shoes on grabbed a necklace and ran off. Ichika stared then realized that Hana was trying run away. Ichika got her shoes on and her jacket ran to see where Hana went off. Ichika was catching up to Hana " Wait! How do you know Precure?" Ichika yelled. Hana mind " Oh my god would please leave me alone that what I'm trying to figured how are the old legendary Precure so far I only know two of them! I have to save my mama from those horrible people! Well I think it time to use my emergency kit that Cho gave me." Hana stopped and turned around " Stay away from me you don't understand me!" Hana said. Hana got something out her pocket she threw a ball down ground smoke everywhere. Ichika couldn't see anything the smoke cleared and Hana was gone.
Hana ran as fast " I need stay at place...... I know how about Rio-san he understand the story if tell but I have to leave few things out he shouldn't know yet about those parts." Hana ran to his apartment and knock on his door. "Rio! It's me Hana! I need place to stay can I stay here for the night?" Rio opened the door " What matter? Why do you stay here?"
Hana came up with nice lie that would definitely work " Well, I got in real nasty fight with Ichika she got really upset she told me to sleep somewhere else I have no other friends in this town that I don't know so I need a place to stay for probably two nights so can sleep here for two nights?" Rio thought about for an moment "I have extra room in my apartment luckily but,  it doesn't have bed but it does have bathroom. I let you stay in there but if want to change into any outfit you must change in that room or in own bathroom and also you must get your own food for breakfast but for lunches and dinner I will make it for you. Okay?" Rio said. " Yay!" Hana said.
Meanwhile at Kirakira pastierre
Ichika said " Guys I have an problem.....I lost I thought was my cousin...... but I grabbed this after she ran away. She showed the picture.
Himari shocked she was speechless
Aoi said in state of shockness " Is that us? But, older?!"
Yukari said " I believe so but....the only problem is where Rio and Ichika why there only us something wrong here....."
Akira said " Ichika I'm now worried those people who been attacking her for past week......they been virtuous attacking her.
Himari blurted " And the other week with Aural she wanted to test me but, I didn't know that Hana got in there but,...... during our fight Aural used attack it started get really hot like an oven, Hana came out she used her powers to teleported me and her to safety. I don't why but, I think she saw transformed......"
Aoi said " Whaaaaat?! You didn't tell me or anyone! Why?!"
Himari said " Well you can talk my boyfriend. Oh wait he doesn't know that I'm Pretty Cure!"
Aoi said " Oh.....right....."
Ciel said " Wait, what happened to Hana.....Ichika." In an serious tone.
Ichika " She ran away when I asked about the picture.....I don't why but I try to asked but, she used something there was smoke....and she disappeared." But, I need to find her! I don't know who those people, I don't know what going on with her but, I do know something if we're involved with this then something definitely wrong and it's in the future....." Ichika sat down started to cry it felt something was gone.
Outside it started to ran really harshly
Ciel said " I'm going to call my brother.....I want to check something...." she went to the telephone called her brother.
At Rio house
Rio's cell rung Rio picked up " Hi Ciel what's the matter I was making lunch for myself....." Rio said.
Ciel said " Have you seen Hana?"
Rio looked Hana turn back making lunch " Actually I have her. Why do ask?"
Ciel said " It's Ichika she was checking on Hana to see if she was finished writing her letter she was worried because it taking long time she came into room and saw something very suspicious it a picture of us in our Precure forms and her but an younger version of her and version of us but older the only problem is that there is no you or Ichika in the picture when Ichika asked her about the picture she got her stuttered to explain she got her bag and a necklace and got her shoes and ran off.....Ichika tried to catch her but she some kind of ball device threw smoke appeared she ran off that Why was I was asking if you seen her but, I got an answer.....but, what should we do?"
Rio said " Well tell her your friend that she with me and that she safe but, I want to see the picture myself then I talk ichika in the second floor in the other living room but it has to  9:00 pm she can sleep over at Custard house with her."
Ciel said "Okay....Thank you." Ciel hang up.
Rio sighed and said "What a mess my sister is....but, sometimes I have believe her."
Hana said " What the matter if need to leave I'll be okay with that."
Rio looked at Hana and asked " Are you sure that I can meet her?"
Hana happily said " I'm sure you going to be fine! I can babysit myself!
Rio said " Okay I'm just going to be out for few hours......"
Hana said " Okay! But stay safe in the rain!
He got his blue umbrella and got his blue jacket and scarf on he put his keys and his phone into his pocket close the door and locked it. he put his umbrella on and ran to Kirakira Pastierre.
At Kirakira pastierre
Ichika said " Hana where?!"
Ciel calmed down " Hana is with my brother she fine but-
Ichika got purse and got emergency umbrella that she now carried and ran outside opening umbrella she started running when she bumped into someone " Ouch!" She looked it was Rio.
At Ichika house in Ichika's room
Rio looked at the picture in shocked.
Rio said " I cannot believe this......"
Ichika said " I really thought that she was my cousin." She felt a suddenly desire for something but, she couldn't have it but she wanted it badly. Rio looked at Ichika in concern " Ichika are you okay?"
Ichika cried " I'm scared, I never got in this before and Christmas Eve my life is mess nothing will cheer me up."
Rio hugged her and whispered " I know you....You want something...... Do you want to have it?
Ichika looked embarrassing and nodded yes " I closed the door and pull the curtain down luckily this room is soundproof.
Blackpop said " Well I'm this interested in this....I think I can do ritual." He smiled evilly. Blackpop went to a religious room he lighted two red candles and had mirror he spoken in French " oh grand des ténèbres ces deux auront un enfant laissez-le être"
The mirror shine the candles exploded.
He laughed evilly.
Back to Ichika house
Third eye POV's
Ichika closed her shades and close the door.
Ichika were interrupted as Rio's mouth locked forcefully with her lips.Ichika's eyes stayed open for a second at the suddenness, but they soon closed and Ichika kissed back. The embrace was very strong, but it was gentle all the same. Ichika felt a wet tongue brush against Ichika upper lip, begging for entrance. Hesitantly, Ichika allowed it to come in and her muscles combined in harmonious glory. A small moan escaped you, but Rio only pressed harder.

Rainy days to sunny days (lemon in the first chapter) ( Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now