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Athena looked straight in front of her, hair tied in low pigtails and fingers wrapped together behind of her. She didn't care that people would always look down or anywhere besides her. It wasn't because of the clothes she wore which were a dirty lavender dress stopping at her knees a ribbon tightly wrapped around her waist with a small bow on the back. Ending it with some dirty brown flats. 

What she was wearing would what a peasant would wear, those who were in the upper class had corsets everything big and poofy on them and lots, lots of makeup. Instead of being jealous of them Athena pitied them. If she was going to ever wear that she thought she would suffocate. The people looked down on her because of her eyes, many thought that she was considered bad luck. This wasn't the first that she didn't wear her brown uncomfortable contacts. 

She looked at the boy beside her, who wore a white blouse with three buttons in the front dirty brown pants and black laced boots. He looked at her with a small smile his silver eyes glistening in the sunlight, she raised an eyebrow which made him smile even bigger. 

"Would you like anything?" Tae-hyung asked looking around at the small huts that sold things from food to accessories, a civilian always behind one of those huts. 

"Why don't we try to save money than spending on useless things," Athena muttered, 

"Spending little money once in a while wouldn't hurt." Tae-hyung shrugged. She sighed as her brother pulled her to one of the shacks that held accessories. 

"This one would look cute on you" Tae-hyung smiled as he grabbed a flower pin slowly putting it in her hair. She looked in the mirror that the hut had lingering somewhere in the corner. She raised an eyebrow, she took the pin out of her hair. 

"It looks too girly on me, I won't buy it but I'll buy something else," Athena whispered. She laid the pin back to where it was first presented and she eyed everything that was set there. To pick something that she would wear she grabbed the thin bracelet that had two bells dangling right next to each other, she let out a chuckle as the bells let out a soft jingle when she lightly shook it. 

"I'll buy this," she looked at Tae-hyung who gave her a bright smile. The lady who sold it looked at Tae-hyung and only him. Not that it really matters, she liked the little attention she gets. She never liked it when people looked at her. If they did it would always be judgemental and just rude looks, Tae-hyung gave the correct money to the lady and Athena put the little bracelet on her wrist perfectly fitting. She shook it once more the bells letting out a soft melodic jingle. 

Her ears perked up as she heard vast footsteps hitting the ground and the citizens silently shushing one another, she could hear one of the people talking to one another all asking the same questions. Why was the prince here? 

The two siblings looked at each other, their minds telling them to get out of there. The two never liked the princes, they weren't worthy of being called princes if they were going to kill the innocent just to make sure everyone knows how strong they were.

 Tae-hyung quickly grabbed his sister's wrist pushing them both into a dark alley. The two watched as the peasants made a path for the boy and bowed down to what they called a prince. The boy wore a dark blue shirt with matching pants, with grey laced boots. tanned skin and dark brown hair. 

Prince Jongin, from the Kutlas Kingdom. The twelve princes were living in the castle of Akiros for the time being as there was going to be another war with the four kingdoms against Rosoros the snow kingdom. But right now that wasn't really important. 

If you still didn't know who they were, the royal family animal embroidered with a golden thread on their shirt by their heart was a dead give away. Tae-hyung slithered his arm around her waist protectively as she stood there watching the prince walking down his path that the people made for him. Three soldiers close to him. 

"Please stand! I'm just here to see how the town is" Prince Jongin made a grin. But the two knew more that there was so much more under that grin of his. As the people slowly stood they could see that the boy winked at some the girl's beside him. The girl's made soft squeals, 

She could hear Tae-hyung let out a scoff. She quickly elbowed him the bells on her bracelet making a twinkling noise, as bad it was they could see the prince snap his head towards them. The darkness blocked their faces and Tae-hyung as he was behind her, but it couldn't hide the purple dress of hers. She clucked her tongue when she saw the boy look at her. 

"We're getting out of here." Athena quickly said before she turned around and look at Tae-hyung. She looked at her surroundings, then ran into the dark alley and turning a right Tae-hyung quickly following behind. 

"Follow her and bring her to me" Jongin whispered to one of his soldiers having a smirk plastered on his lips. The soldiers quickly nodded and ran to where they saw the two.

He let out a humorless chuckle. 

"How fun this is going to be." 


"Prince Jongin, we couldn't capture her." One of the soldiers bowed. 

Jogin raised an eyebrow as he looked at the three soldiers in front of him, 

"You're telling me, royal soldiers of mine couldn't capture a measly peasant girl?" Jogin whispered completely amused. They were in the garden behind the royal castle of Akiros. 

"N-no sir, she was too fast and there was someone with her," another answered. 

"Tck, Tck, Tck, such useless soldiers you're lucky that I don't have my sword right now or you could've been dead" he waved his finger back and forth. The three soldiers tensed and frightened. He let out a shiver-tingling chuckle before leaving, amused to know who this girl could be that outrun his soldiers. 


"We could've died," Tae-hyung groaned, they finally lost the soldiers. They were now walking to their little home in the forest. 

"If you didn't scoff." Athena muttered, "he turned when your bracelet jingled!" Tae-hyung exclaimed. 

"Why was he even there?" Tae-hyung whispered, 

"Probably to check up on the people" Athena answered. As they were closer to their home Tae-hyung's eyes widen, and Athena could see it from a mile away. 

She knew it was her birthday, she just didn't bother telling them that she knew. 

"Close your eyes" Tae-hyung moved in front of her, she raised an eyebrow "I know you guy's set up a surprise birthday party for me, you do that every year so why do think I wouldn't know now?" Athena let out a chuckle. 

Tae-hyung put his hand on his chest and looked at her ad he was offended. Athena completely amused. 

"What are you talking about?" Tae-hyung exclaimed, "Today was your birthday?" Tae-hyung asked. Athena let out a scoff, "If you don't remember then why did you ask me to close my eyes?" She tilted her head. 

"Because It'll be fun for me to guide you to our house," Tae-hyung shrugged. 

She knew he was lying, but either way, she just gave up and let him do whatever he wanted. She closed her eyes and let the boy guide her to their home. She could hear the squeak of the door and the noise of the crooked wood. He let go of her hand.

"You can open your eyes now!" Tae-hyung yelled. She fluttered her eyes opened, 

"Happy Birthday!" The two cheered. Though she knew this was going to happened she still couldn't stop the grin forming on her lips.  

"Blow out your candle!" In-hye cheered as she was holding the small cake she made in such little time. 

"Make a wish first," Tae-hyung added, as she thought of her little wish, she blew out the one candle lit in the middle of the cake. 

"Thanks, guys." Athena gave them a hearted genuine smile. 

How much she loved her brother and sister. 

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