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Athena looked at the lady who was in front of her, but not surprisingly she was looking down away from her different colored eyes. She cracked her knuckles, her eyes twitched as she felt someone coming close to her. She had a feeling on who it was, she was trying to hide from him in the first place. If he doesn't see her face then it was fine, he doesn't have soldiers with him so that's better. 

She can't believe she was going to do this. She slowly exhaled and inhaled, Athena looked around,

'take two lefts then turn right, that will take you to Nana's' 

Why did she go out when she knew she was going to see another of these princes. She didn't know which prince this is, but she'll need to know how to get out of here alive and face-free. She wasn't even wearing contacts. 

Finally, she heard the footsteps coming closer. All he needs to do now was grabbed her shoulder. 

He stopped behind her, she could feel her heart race making hard thumps. The adrenaline was killing her. 

"Hello, there darling" The boy mewled, how much Athena wanted to gag. The woman watched in horror as she looked at the person behind her, but right now she didn't mind that. 

"Miss?" He whispered his eyebrow-raising, she wasn't turning around. Athena's fist clenched, all he needed to touch her shoulder, how hard was that? The boy was starting to get impatient as she wasn't turning around, he could easily just kill her right now for disobeying the prince. But he wants to have some fun at least, and importantly see the face of the girl in front of him. Finally, Athena knew he wasn't going to touch her so she went to plan B. 

"Prince, I do not want to turn around as I am ugly and I can't let you see a face of an ugly person" Athena whispered. Athena actually didn't care about her appearance, she could be ugly or beautiful for all she cared, as long she's alive and won't be bothered she's fine. The boy let out a deep laugh which she thought sounded like broken bells. 

"I will be the judge of that" He smirked, her eyes twitched once more. How cocky and fucked up dude can he be? She mentally chuckled when she finally felt a hand on her right shoulder. 

With three breaths she used her left hand then softly grabbed the boy's wrist, with no signs of reaction from the boy she quickly tightened her grip and pulled him closer using her right hand and harshly elbowed him. She could hear the women gasp and the mysterious prince gasp and let out a groan, she wasn't strong to knock him out but was strong enough to do something. Quickly she used her right leg whipping it across both of his legs tripping him. She could hear him snarl at her as a loud thump was heard, his body on the floor. How long she wanted to do that.

"You bitch, I'll fucking kill you" 

"I would like to see you try" She smirked, but it wasn't like he could see, as her back was faced him. With one move she ran as fast as she could to Nana's. 

"Someone get her!" The prince screamed. But for some reason, no-one seemed to move a limb for what they just saw. They all knew who she was, but apparently, the boy didn't. 


"Some fucking chick kicked me!" Chanyeol slammed his hands on the table where the 12 boys were sitting at, relaxing and talking. He could see some of the boys raised their eyebrows, 

"Did you break another girl's heart?" Sehun asked. 

Chanyeol had a scowl on his face, he looked like he was going to kill someone, 

"I didn't even see her face!" 

"Why did you go to her anyway was she wearing something slutty?" Jongin snickered. 

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