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They were in living room peacefully watching movie. It was comedy and everyone was laughing except of Taehyung. He wasn't even watching that movie. He was on his phone reading comments on twitter. He was happy because of positive comments about their concert but then one hate comment appeared.

"Am I the only one who thinks that Taehyung gained weight? He looks like a pig"

And then another one.

"Tae should stop eat or he won't even get up from his bed because of all that fat."

And another.

"He's so ugly! Why can't he just die?! Bangtan would be better without him!!"

He couldn't read another. He felt tears in his eyes so he quickly ran to his bedroom. Jimin yelled at him but he didn't stopped. He locked door and walked to the bathroom. He opened drawer and picked up that sharp blade and sat on the floor.

First cut was for being fat.

Second cut was for being ugly.

Third cut was for being disgusting.

Fourth cut was for being dumb.

Fifth cut was for being weak.

Sixth cut was for being worthless.

Seventh the deepest was for being Kim Taehyung.

He droped blade. His wrist was bleeding and he still cried. He felt so much pain. At that moment he wanted to sleep and never wake up.

Meanwhile rest of the members were still confused.

,,Why was Taehyung crying?!" Jimin asked worriedly. Others looked at him. No one knew what was going on.

,,I don't know but I'm going to found out what happened." Jin spoke and quickly stood up. They walked to the doors of his room and knocked.

Taehyung heard knocks on his door. He started panicking. He quickly bandaged his arm and cleaned all the blood from floor. When he was closer to the door he could hear voices. He knew that everyone was behind waiting for him to open the door. So he slowly opened.

,,Tae are you okay?" Hoseok asked and hugged him. He wanted to cry again. One tear fell from his eye. When others saw it they hugged him too and he started crying. They don't knew what was going on but they wanted to know. Yoongi was first to spoke.

,,Taehyung tell us whats wrong. Please." Taehyung wiped his tears away and tried to smile.

,,It's nothing really. I just read some comments on Twitter." And he lied. Again.

,,Show them to us." Taehyung slowly pulled phone from his packet and showed them those comments. They read them and looked at Taehyung.

,,That's not true hyung! Don't listen to them!"

,,These bitches! I will find them and kill them! Nobody's gonna say this about my child!" Jin was really angry. Taehyung laughed. He imagined Jin yelling at these girls. He is such a drama queen.

,,Calm down Jin. Now we have to cheer up Tae. You can kill them after." Jin was smiling like a psycho and made everyone laughed again.

,,It's okay guys. I will go sleep and I will forget about it."

,,Really? Tae.."

,,No it's okay. You don't need to worry guys." He didn't wanted them to worry. That was the reason why he didn't wanted to go with them. Moreover he needed to do something with his bleeding wrist.

He locked his room like usually and walked to his bathroom. He threw the bandage away and looked at his bleeding wrist. He loved it. He loved red color. It was warm and peaceful color to him.

He washed the blood. It hurted so much. He was bitting his bottom lip. He bandaged it again and jumped to bed. He covered himself in blankets and closed eyes. He hoped he will sleep peacefully. But he didn't. He couldn't because of his dream.


He quickly woke up and looked around. It wasn't his bedroom. He was in strange place. He stood up and then walked and opened doors. He saw downstairs. He walked down and knew he was in basement now. He thought he was alone. But he wasn't.


I will try to update every day but I don't know if I will be able to. Sorry for bad grammar.❤❤❤❤


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